Mystic Loves.....

Well well who could it be that I like ;) Could it be a well known #######? A cold shoulder man? A planet? A rat? Someone famous? A spice? (hehe) A ape? Well im just having FUN! Those who reconize the hints will know ;) Anyways I do take bribes and so on if you care to post them hehehe. Just rem this, Im just having fun right now ;)
Quote: from chakan

How could you describe Ara as "a well known #######?" pr a "A cold shoulder man?" :p
Those weren't my words. Mysticales wrote, "Could it be a well known #######? A cold shoulder man? A planet? A rat? Someone famous? A spice? (hehe) A ape?" She's not saying that the person is, but could be. I based my guess on the fact that Arak0n is an Admin and has the title "#######". The Admin clue comes from the sub-title of this thread. I'm not sure about the other clues though, whether they match Arak0n's description or not. :p

Quote: from Mysticales

Well im just having FUN! Those who reconize the hints will know Anyways I do take bribes and so on if you care to post them hehehe. Just rem this, Im just having fun right now
That's right.