Enough!!!!!! Time for action against this one who uses us as her playthings!!!!!
"falstaff, mighty wizard that he is, and knowing a lot about being an #######, starts his most feared encantation. His hands blur with movement first in the air above his head and the behind his back below his waist. Smoke billows and dark clouds rumble with unseen power. His voice is a drone in an ancient power spell known to few. Slowly his voice raises in modulation and strength. We actually begin to percieve his words............'burn, itch, bleed.....burn, itch, bleed", for yes! It is that most dangerous of spells......the powerful and annoying 'Hemorrhoids Of Satan' spell. Oh what hath this fool wraught! Dark days, dark days are upon us all!!!!!! With a mighty gesture he flings his arms at his anus and........'sputter, spoof, thbbtt. ####!....... Misfire..........I gotta finish that chapter on ass spells! Hey, whats that itching..............."
(Edited by falstaff at 7:16 pm on Mar. 22, 2002)
(Edited by falstaff at 7:20 pm on Mar. 22, 2002)