Name the most overrated actors/actresses


Established Member
I'd included music stars, but that list would get too long.

My picks for overratedness are Ben Affleck and John Travolta.

Can't stand their acting.

Anyone else?
eeh Vin Diesel is better than Steven Segal -- not saying much

but I have lower expectations for action stars.

But movies like Jersey Girl and Paycheck would have been much more enjoyable with someone other than Affleck.
Affleck, Ben Stiller, Kirsten Dunst, Natalie Portman, Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves. As Lyzel says, too many to list. 😉
Ben Stiller is a decent actor, but hillarious. Some of his movies are dumb, but Meet the Parents is classic!

And I really don't know why people think Halle Berry is hot -- especially with short hair.
None of the actors everyone's listed are really hyped up very much. No one has really proclaimed B-fleck to be an amazing actor. I don't think tom Hanks is as great as people say he is, and Steven Spielberg isn't that great as a director.
Right Right on the spielberg and hanks. Damn they bug the hell out of me abusing the name of greatness they were given for such drivel. Come on i still remember hanks for money pit, that one where hes the really old looking kid turned by that fuckin' arcade psychic machine on atlantic strip, you know the movies you cant name and he was playing comical characters. This new crap makes me vomit. Spielberg i give credit in few places, I give him props for skillfully emulating kubrick with Kubricks own fuckin' screen play A.I., but shit give kubrick a lil more credit for the movie. MINORITY REPORT BLEW.

Oh, and my own addition, that freakoid loud mouth more f-ing annoying that i am... Dave Chappelle, not considered a great actor parsay, but considered really funny in his tv show and movies hes been in. i hate stoner humor, i hate his voice; but i did find that one skit about the blind black man who was a kkk member witty and hilarious. Thats about it for him with me though.
Tom Hanks is pretty good -- he's played a variety of roles.

The people mentioned are usually the ones you see promoted a lot -- usually because of their looks, I guess.
I liked Hanks in that movie with the dog. I liked the first and last Indiana Jones movies. Stanley Kubrick is a much better director. A Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket were amazing, and The Shining was good too.
Joe and the Volcano!

Well, Hanks has had some lousy ones, but he's a tremendous actor (in my opinion, anyway). Benicio Del Toro is another one of my favorites.

Edward Norton may very well be overrated. Which may explain why he disappeared off the face of the earth (with Helen Hunt).
AHHHHHHHHHHH HELEN HUNT... No No No... why did jack nickolson disgrace himself doing that movie with her, i mean i loved him in the movie, but HELEN HUNT... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
What you guys think of James Cameron?

Best Director Ever! In my opinion..

Maybe that's just because I'm the biggest Terminator fanboy ever...
Originally posted by Cloud121@Jul 14, 2004 @ 03:26 AM

What you guys think of James Cameron?

Best Director Ever! In my opinion..

Maybe that's just because I'm the biggest Terminator fanboy ever...

Good, not the best. Best western directors, I think of Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Francis Ford Coppola. For Asian flicks I'd say Yuen Woo-ping, and Beat Takeshi. Then there's others that aren't the greatest, but I enjoy their movies immensely: Quentin Tarantino and Takashi Miike.
Miyazaki Hayao!

Okay maybe not.

Maybe I'm just annoyed by the fact, that that's all the anime we watch in my Japanese class!

Three years, and still no Gundam! Bah...

Next year, we're watching Gundam!

Sorry for the rant...
You have a Japanese class? I wish I had that. I'll stick to my broken Japanese for the time being. genki desu ka!?!?!? ohayo gozaimasu!