New GBA and DS Design!


Staff member
Nintendo will be showing its new redesign of the GBA unit and also the DS unit at E3!

The new GBA will have a better screen and analogue controls.

Nintendo is bringing Palm OS to the DS to make it more "PDA" like. The DS will basically become a gamming PDA.

The new Gameboy will be more powerfull then the PSP and feature "Gamecube" like hardware.

Really weird turn of events for the DS. Can't wait for this years E3, it should be VERY interesting for the big N.

Thanks to Spong for the news.
Man does that suck; but it is not to surprising. We all new the DS was gonna struggle against the PSP. The GBA 2 sounds cool. I can't wait for E3.
I don't know if the DS was supposed to stand up to the PSP... maybe it was only there as a decoy set by the big N so that Sony wouldn't make any last minute changes to the PSP to make it superior to the just recently revealed (soon to be unveiled) GBA2 (Let's hope that's just a working title, eh?). Now Nintendo can pull off the old sneak attack and pound the PSP into the ground with a fury and power that have never even been witnessed on the most intense showing of DBZ.

I do feel sorry for all the Early Adapters of the DS... but who knows? they may benefit from this some how.

But i doubt it.
What does Nintendo have to do or say to beat this into everybody's heads?!?! The DS is NOT a Gameboy. The next GBA will not have two screens or touch screen capabilities. The DS is a stand-alone deal. GBA support was only added as an afterthought, so as to boost the number of playable titles at launch. When first announced, it was NOT going to play GBA titles.
It's not a NEW GB its just a new GBA model like the SP was they probably put the headphone jack back and maybe include the PlayYan player and possibly improve the screen/backlight.
Everything I've read is indicating it as the GBA 2, the true next generation Gameboy.. Some reports are indicating GC quality graphics, wireless connectivity to the "Revolution", and much more.
As VertigoXX said. Even if another "Game Boy" doesn't come out, the DS still won't be a game boy. Reason? All you need to do is look at the name of it - do you see any references to the words "Game Boy" in the name of the system?

A game boy is a game boy. A DS is a DS. Simple as that. If Nintendo doesn't call it a "next-gen game boy" or a "GBA2", then why should you call it so? Because you heard other people on the net dub it such?

You might get away with arguing the Virtual Boy as an incarnation of a game boy, but the DS? Nah..

Btw, 'you' isn't referring to anyone in particular - I'm speaking in general 😉.
No schi0249 Nintendo said that rumor was false like Ice said they will release a new version of the GBA, the first GB also passed thru many changes, pocket, color, etc this will probably be its last change untill the next GB comes out check this link.
I personally can not wait for E3; even if they are not working on a new GB. We get to see the Revolution this year. And some rumors indicating the next X-Box as well. All in all, I'm hoping for a better year.

But I do think Nintendo needs to get a new handheld out. If they think the GBA can compete with the PSP, they are mistaken.
Yeah very curious to see the Revolution myself I think everyone is.

Well they have the Nintendo DS to backup the sales 🙂 NDS+GBA vs PSP