Nintendo's New DS Specs


Staff member
A Japanese site has released some technical specs of thier upcomming DS System.

CPU Core:
Main Processor - ARM946E-S (67 MHz)
Sub Processor - ARM7TDMI (33 MHz)

Main Memory - 4Mbyte
ARM9/ARM7 Shared - 32Kbytes
ARM7 Dedicated Internal Work RAM - 64Kbytes
VRAM - 656Kbytes

Display Size - 256 x 192 x 2 screens
Display colors - 262,144 colors (R:G:B=6:6:6)

2D Graphics Engine:
Background - Max 4 layers
Objects - Max 128 objects

3D Graphics Engine:
Coordinate Transform Capability - Max 4M Vertices / sec
Polygon: Max 120K polygons / sec
Pixel Fill Rate - Max 30M pixels / sec

16ch ADPCM / PCM (Max 8ch allocatable to PSG)
Microphone input

Wireless Communication:
IEEE802.11-based proprietary protocol

Input Devices:
Touch Panel
Direction keys, A, B, R, L, Start, Select (X, Y under consideration)

Power Management:
Sleep Mode capable (timer set, Wakeup on wireless receive, etc)
Power Management capability for 2D engine, rendering engine, geometry engine and LCD

These are just rumours but they will be confirmed soon. Sounds interesting.
Thanks to the Magic Box for the news.