Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

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Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

I swear, sometimes I think that other countries are a lot smarter than the U.S. Nill on that. A LOT of times I think that other countries are MUCH smarter than the U.S. Check this out for example: Why didn't we ever think of this?
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

Well, probably because something like 20-30% of federal crimes (felonies) get overturned/overulled in appeals, so you can assume how many people are falsely convicted in the united states, much less executed. Capital Punishment is something that most industrialized countries look down upon, maybe its time for america to take a step up in the evolutionary ladder and ban capital punishment altogether.
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

Homosexuality is a crime punishable by death? What the Hell, man? ::Forces self to not start a rant on human rights and privileges::
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

Yeah, go on.

Just pop over to Tehran and tell them all about it.
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

I may, damn it! I will educate these fools! ....And, then, I'll probably be shot down by thousands of American-hating Middle Easterners who really just want some love in the world....Maybe a puppy....A good, stable economy....My bank account....and my head on a silver platter....
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

pederasty, homosexuality and adultery are among a long list of crimes punishable by death.

Im all for that! hell, I might even move there now!....damn, it must be nice over there..
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

yup, sounds almost as terrifying sa the rospect of being slow roasted live in a way that the brain dies last with a few thousand volts of AC. I'm so glad i live in a country where the death penalty only applies to treason 🙂
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

soldermonkey Posted on July 19 2002, 5:20 am


yup, sounds almost as terrifying sa the rospect of being slow roasted live in a way that the brain dies last with a few thousand volts of AC. I'm so glad i live in a country where the death penalty only applies to treason 🙂

i don't think you even need a trial anymore to be convicted of that.

mmm.. soon t.i.p.s. will be enacted, then imma have to kill my neighbors before the fuckers start reporting me
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

The t.i.p.s thing was killed, dead in it's tracks.


What a useless, stupid system. It could have been abused by anyone, say the neighbor who doesn't take care of his/her lawn.

In Bryn Mawr, PA right after 9/11 one officer received a call stating something like this:

"There are two people that look Arab walking down the street. One has a backpack."

- "Ok... and?"

And you can imagine how the rest went.

It's funny too, how the gov't will kill homosexuals, especially where the belief is "woman for birth, men for pleasure."
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

Yeah well, according to them (and me, although it's only my opinion), it's impossible to find pleasure in that.
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

Nah, feels great once ya get a good....OK....I'm just going to stop before I start....I remember the sudden panic after 9/11. My god. I've never seen so many scared white people in all my life.

"Ah! He looks Middle Eastern! Mommy, mommy! Don't let him blow me up!" "It's OK, dear, mommy, will kill the poor, helpless, Middle Eastern terrorist bastard."

::Shakes head dismally:: Paranoia? Harrassment? ::Nods head:: Land of the free....
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

WORD to the second half of your post. This country has gone to shit since Bush was "elected"....
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

for agreeing with me on that point alone, you stay big d.

though your homophobia leads me to believe that it should be (closet) big gay d alcala
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

Hehe, well, I wouldn't call it homophobia. I'm not afraid of gay people. I just wouldn't do it myself. Plus, being that I'm a Christian, and for those who know of "Sodom and Gamorrah" (No, not Sodom from SFA :
: ), I am one who believes it is sin. But then again, who the fark doesn't sin? The Bible does say, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". So, I look at someone who is gay as someone who has sinned. In other words, LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE (sorry for the shouting, just getting da point across). Sure, I may crack gay jokes once in awhile, but never in an environment that doesn't know that it's simply a joke, and not to be taken seriously. I'm not one of those people who say "SINNER! YOU ARE GAY AND YOU ARE A SINNER! LEAVE ME DEMON!". Nah, uh-uh. If I was to do that to every sinner, not only would I be doing that to everyone, but I'd end up calling myself a "demon" in the process
. Anyways, I really don't want this thread to become a "I hate gays!/You homophobes!/I'm gonna gay-bash you!/Ya big silly!" thread. I don't hate gays, I'm not a homophobe, I've never have and never will gay-bash anyone, and I don't think anyone here talks like Terry Bogart
. Hey, if you wanna be gay, that's your decision. I just choose not to.
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

Huh, I always thought your nick stood for "Big Daddy Alcala".
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

As much as I would like to be your daddy
, the D stands for my first name. Since you already know my last name, I'd rather not give out my first.
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

Because we try to remain civilized in a sea of chaos

, i may have stolen that line from a game
Ok, now why doesn't the U.S. adopt this?

who ever says america is the land of the free should really have there head examined. and your right bush is evil i mean they let 9/11 happen i mean geez