Panzer Dragoon

pardon me for the ignorance, but what are the differences between Panzer Dragoon, PD Saga, and PD Zwei? I've been reading reviews a whole lot about Dragon Force and PD and I have come to finalize that they are the best Saturn RPG's ever... Or even possibly the best RPG's ever... I don't know, that's the impression that I got from reading the reviews and boards... But what are the differences? and how many discs each?
Panzer Dragoon (part 1) and Panzer Dragoon II Zwei (part 2) are shooters. They are both 1 disc games.

Panzer Dragoon Saga is an RPG, it's 4 discs.

For more info, go to, do a search for Panzer Dragoon, and read the FAQs/Walkthroughs.
yes I did (the reviews) go to GameFAQs... the reviews regarding Panzer Dragon went like "best RPG ever" "best RPG" "RPG" "RPG" "RPG" "RPG" and so on...

FOUR DISCS???? So that was what the fuss was about long ago... where to store it, when, if it was safe, etc... How in the world do I buy one? or if not possible, download? I prefer buying... they ain't up on any FTP... thanks MAM hehehe MasterAkumaMatata...
MAM??!!! You wanna die?

Akuma -->
<-- ViperA2001
ViperA2001 (if MasterAkumaMatata hasn't killed you yet),

I'm pretty sure PD Saga is on atleast one of the FTPs.

You can find disc 1 at SX, and maybe more.
I don't think you'll be buying it, Viper, unless you have over $100 to spend (even on eBay). I bought mine when it first came out at Meijer for $10, though :)
I want to get a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga, it looked pretty cool. Too bad for me that I can't search for anything effectively. Oh well, perhaps I'll find it eventually.
hey MAM, do you work or anything ? you're always on the messageboards, and your posts are so....detailed, one of your posts would take me an hour to compile, thats if i could figure out the colors and shit hehehe
Yes, I'm currently at work BTW. I try to spend some quality time on messageboards whenever I get a chance at work (e.g., lunch time). When I get home, it's messageboards for me again, yay! :
: I must admit though, I've been a messageboard addict ever since I found SX a year and a half ago.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to practice some Instant #### Murders on certain individuals here who have insulted The Aging Demon
Could anybody be so kind as to tell me the order of the audio tracks in Panzer Dragoon Zwei? I got these from the soundtrack section, but I'm not sure that's the same order than in the game CD:

this is the order I got 'em:

stage 1-1

stage 1-2

stage 2-1

stage 2-2

stage 2-3

stage 2 boss

stage 3

stage 3 boss

stage 4-1

stage 4-2

stage 4 boss

stage 5-1

stage 5-2

stage 6-1

stage 6 boss

stage 7 boss

main title

main title extended

staff credits
Originally posted by MasterAkumaMatata@Oct 4, 2001 @ 11:41 PM

Yes, I'm currently at work BTW. I try to spend some quality time on messageboards whenever I get a chance at work (e.g., lunch time). When I get home, it's messageboards for me again, yay! :;): I must admit though, I've been a messageboard addict ever since I found SX a year and a half ago.

Same situation here :D
Originally posted by racketboy@Oct 30, 2003 @ 11:13 PM

I thought something was up when I read through it and saw Skank.


I was also like.. wtf?! since when do banned people can post..?!

:lol: :D

Maybe Akuma is still at his work posting whenever he gets a chance to :p