ramble aimed at actors

I'm tired of all these famous people making too much money for what they do i think i'm going to boycott movies(and i'm already boycotting current music) i'm just tired of hearing about oscars and how much money the stars make and then them complaining about pirates and arghhhh. Let us all boycott movies come on fight the power with me.

and i just found out that all the actors make at least 100,000 by going to the oscars or being nominated not clear which.
I rarely go to the theatre to see movies. Maybe once every year or two. Just to see the latest Quentin Tarantino or crappy Star Wars movie. Modern Hollywood movies are 99% crap, but it's because of that 1% that I don't boycott completely.

I prefer the less formulaic foreign flicks. Japanese movies are my personal favorite; like Takashi Miike movies.
I'd imagine that the best way to hurt Hollywood is to embrace alternative financing, licensing and distribution models. The MPAA seems to already be convinced that any loss of revenue must be the doing of pirates on the internets, so I'm not sure boycotting alone will do a spectacular amount of good.
yeah fuck the movies, i used to go to the theatre several times a week, i have over 600 dvd's, laserdisc and 8mm movies when i was deployed to the middle east I wrote over 10 major distibutors asking for catalogs hint..hint hint only one responded telling me to go on the internet. When i hadn't acess (for nearly two years)

Now I think Hollywood can burn in hell.