Bulk Slash (English)

Bulk Slash English localization project 1.001

Thanks for the great translation/localization! I've played through the game with the twin stick support and unlocked all the navigators.

I decided to create a copy that excluded the dubbed voiceovers like in the readme, but when I did I noticed the lines spoken during the Navigator Select and Stage Select are still using the English Dubbed lines. Are there more files I need to export/import using CDmage or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for the great translation/localization! I've played through the game with the twin stick support and unlocked all the navigators.

I decided to create a copy that excluded the dubbed voiceovers like in the readme, but when I did I noticed the lines spoken during the Navigator Select and Stage Select are still using the English Dubbed lines. Are there more files I need to export/import using CDmage or am I doing something wrong?
You probably missed replacing the VCDM file, which is where those lines are stored.
Guessing the answer to this is No, but gonna take a shot in the dark, anyway... Has anyone put together any alternative patches for different Twin Stick control layouts? Or is there a way to edit the official patch to change the layout?

Specifically, I'm looking for a way to map ascend/descend to the right stick, similar to modern dual analog control setups.
Guessing the answer to this is No, but gonna take a shot in the dark, anyway... Has anyone put together any alternative patches for different Twin Stick control layouts? Or is there a way to edit the official patch to change the layout?

Specifically, I'm looking for a way to map ascend/descend to the right stick, similar to modern dual analog control setups.

No, we don't have any alternative patches for different Twin Stick layouts. Knight0fdragon would have to do that — he had to hack each level's file to change the Type-D controller layout to the current Twin Stick layout, so he'd have to do that again to make it something different.

IMO, after finally getting a Twin Stick controller earlier this month, the current Twin Stick controls work best when in Robot Mode. But I agree that changing which stick ascends and descends might make Plane Mode feel better, and honestly, I spend way more time in Plane Mode and Robot Mode when playing Bulk Slash.
Interesting that it would have to change in multiple places... And good to know I'm not the only one that would like this change! Agree that the robot controls feel great.
Just played around a little bit with a controller input tester and the twin sticks. Looks like up on the right stick registers as a Y input and down registers as a B input. I'd be happy to hex edit a small change like that in, I just don't know where to do it!

Edit: Extracted the disc image with CDmage. I'm guessing I need to edit either the ALL.ST* files or the PW0*.DAT files. Just don't know what specific location.

Edit2: Chatted with Knight0fDragon and it's not as simple as swapping a byte or two around. The game treats X, Y, and Z as the same button by default. So he had to hack in a code change to treat them separately in the patch. Problem is, the change made for the patch isn't easily modifiable to support Y/B for descend/ascend.

For reference this is how Twin Stick inputs register:

Left Stick
Left - D-pad left
Right - D-pad right
Up - D-pad up
Down - D-pad down
Button - R
Trigger - L

Right Stick
Left - X
Right - Z
Up - Y
Down - B
Button - C
Trigger - A
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Your awesome project and a amazing remastered introduction of the game find on YouTube inspire me to make a Sega Saturn pal cover.
I just want to thanks you for making the Saturn forever cool.
Years later than we should have, we now have a patch for Bulk Slash that only adds Twin Stick support while leaving the rest of the game, Japanese and all, intact:

(This was brought on by a Japanese player who entered the old Bulk Slash Discord server asking for a patch like this.)