Rick Dangerous MD


Staff member
We're proud to celebrate Megadrive 20th Anniversary with a preview of our next coming game:

It is a straight port from the Atari ST version and has been coded from scratch in 100% assembly.

We're planning to produce cards once the game is finished. But this time, it will be a "genesis tradeware". That means that our first option is a trading for megadrive/genesis stuff (can not get enought of genesis stuff ^^). And if you really don't want to trade, you will have the option to buy at cost price.

If you're interested in "pre-ordering" the game, drop us a mail at SpoutnickTeam@Gmail.com with your complete details (name,surname & country) and the desired quantity of cards so we can evaluate the demand.

So while waiting, please try this demo. Be free to send us your comments, bugs report, praise or even insults to our email in order to help us to improve the game. Have fun :)

It's best to play this ROM on the actual megadrive using a flashcard. Otherwise, we suggest you to use Kega emulator

Download : Demo

Source : http://www.spoutnickteam.com/ST/viewgames.php3?id=5