Ripping Saturn audio

Hello. I simply must have the bonus game music from Resident Evil (the saturn game is the only version it appears in). I'm sure it's possible to rip Saturn redbook audio as i've seen people online with their own rips. If anyone can tell me how this is done that would be great. Sorry if this is common knowledge but i couldn't find anything about it on the forum or search engines. Thanks.
Ripping redbook audio is as simple as ripping the data tracks. If you are ripping from the Saturn image fine (e.g., BIN+CUE, NRG, CDI), open your image with CDmage, right click on the audio track and "Extract Track..." Audio as Wave file. If you are ripping from CD, you can use Isobuster to right click on the audio track you want and "Extrack Audio to Wav file (*.wav)".
Forgive me i was confused. I was under the impression redbook audio was music hidden in the game track instead of regular cd tracks. There are all kinds of freaky-looking files on the cd and i have no idea which one of them might be audio. There's one big one (.cpk) which i hear is a bundle of movies. I wonder if music is stored in the same way?
What you're describing is not redbook audio, but audio from files on the data track and extracting such audio from those files is not common knowledge AFAIK.
You open CDex...

Choose the CD drive with the Saturn game in it at the top...

Choose the tracks you want...

And extract them to MP3. Voila. I'll do some screenshots later if you want me to.
Tagrineth, aeris is not trying to extract CDDA tracks, but audio from files on the data track. Besides, Resident Evil only has one CDDA track AFAICT.
Oh, ok, I misunderstood then.

CDex is still a great tool though 🙂

And my RE has like 10 audio tracks... and on top of that most of the sound effects are completely wrong. 😵;
Originally posted by aeris@Aug 10, 2003 @ 03:04 PM

Forgive me i was confused. I was under the impression redbook audio was music hidden in the game track instead of regular cd tracks. There are all kinds of freaky-looking files on the cd and i have no idea which one of them might be audio. There's one big one (.cpk) which i hear is a bundle of movies. I wonder if music is stored in the same way?

Okay, here is an analysis of all the sound/audio files I've found out so far.

The 250,490,880 byte sized MOVIE.CPK file on the root directory is indeed a bundle of CPK movies. Using the idea Cyber Akuma came up with on this thread, I found and extracted 28 CPK movies using a hex editor:

[ HEX offsets ]

start end file size time description

--------- --------- ---------------- ----- ---------------------

1. 0x0000000 --> 0x01DD7FF 1,955,840 bytes 00:07 Capcom logo

2. 0x01DD800 --> 0x0531FFF 3,491,840 bytes 00:15 game intro title

3. 0x0532000 --> 0x2C17FFF 40,787,968 bytes 02:42 opening movie

4. 0x2C18000 --> 0x2E757FF 2,480,128 bytes 00:10 cut scene

5. 0x2E75800 --> 0x380BFFF 10,053,632 bytes 00:38 cast of Resident Evil

6. 0x380C000 --> 0x398D7FF 1,579,008 bytes 00:07 cut scene

7. 0x398D800 --> 0x3B04FFF 1,538,048 bytes 00:06 cut scene

8. 0x3B05000 --> 0x3DE17FF 3,000,320 bytes 00:12 cut scene

9. 0x3DE1800 --> 0x4120FFF 3,405,824 bytes 00:14 cut scene

10. 0x4121000 --> 0x44D27FF 3,872,768 bytes 00:15 cut scene

11. 0x44D2800 --> 0x4633FFF 1,447,936 bytes 00:05 cut scene

12. 0x4634000 --> 0x4AEEFFF 4,960,256 bytes 00:18 cut scene - Tyrant

13. 0x4AEF000 --> 0x4FAA7FF 4,962,304 bytes 00:18 cut scene - Tyrant

14. 0x4FAA800 --> 0x524EFFF 2,770,944 bytes 00:10 cut scene

15. 0x524F000 --> 0x549C7FF 2,414,592 bytes 00:10 cut scene

16. 0x549C800 --> 0x57567FF 2,859,008 bytes 00:10 cut scene

17. 0x5756800 --> 0x58427FF 966,656 bytes 00:03 cut scene

18. 0x5842800 --> 0x63E37FF 12,193,792 bytes 00:43 ending

19. 0x63E3800 --> 0x6FD1FFF 12,511,232 bytes 00:43 ending

20. 0x6FD2000 --> 0x79E2FFF 10,555,392 bytes 00:39 ending

21. 0x79E3000 --> 0x86BC7FF 13,473,792 bytes 00:48 ending

22. 0x86BC800 --> 0x94A6FFF 14,592,000 bytes 00:53 ending

23. 0x94A7000 --> 0xA0FB7FF 12,929,024 bytes 00:45 ending

24. 0xA0FB800 --> 0xAD36FFF 12,826,624 bytes 00:45 ending

25. 0xAD37000 --> 0xAF6C7FF 2,316,288 bytes 00:11 to be continued?

26. 0xAF6C800 --> 0xC3EA7FF 21,487,616 bytes 01:59 credits

27. 0xC3EA800 --> 0xD972FFF 22,579,200 bytes 02:00 credits

28. 0xD973000 --> 0xEEE2FFF 22,478,848 bytes 02:00 credits

All 28 CPK movies seem to exhibit this format: 320x224 @ 15 fps with 22,050 Hz 16-bit stereo raw PCM audio

; Generated by WIN-SFV32 v1.1a on 1997-07-17 at 08:08.42


; 250490880 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE.CPK

; 1955840 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_01.CPK

; 3491840 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_02.CPK

; 40787968 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_03.CPK

; 2480128 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_04.CPK

; 10053632 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_05.CPK

; 1579008 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_06.CPK

; 1538048 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_07.CPK

; 3000320 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_08.CPK

; 3405824 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_09.CPK

; 3872768 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_10.CPK

; 1447936 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_11.CPK

; 4960256 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_12.CPK

; 4962304 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_13.CPK

; 2770944 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_14.CPK

; 2414592 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_15.CPK

; 2859008 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_16.CPK

; 966656 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_17.CPK

; 12193792 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_18.CPK

; 12511232 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_19.CPK

; 10555392 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_20.CPK

; 13473792 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_21.CPK

; 14592000 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_22.CPK

; 12929024 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_23.CPK

; 12826624 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_24.CPK

; 2316288 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_25.CPK

; 21487616 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_26.CPK

; 22579200 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_27.CPK

; 22478848 08:08.42 1997-07-17 MOVIE_28.CPK






MOVIE_05.CPK 7AC30530





MOVIE_10.CPK D247059C


MOVIE_12.CPK 7892B662




MOVIE_16.CPK 79D19E46




MOVIE_20.CPK 65F3B408


MOVIE_22.CPK 04E739A4

MOVIE_23.CPK 87456E5B

MOVIE_24.CPK FD143853

MOVIE_25.CPK 56B67B19




Also on the root directory, there are 5 PCK files which contain the voices of the characters:

file name file size time

------------ ---------------- -----

ROOM1PCM.PCK 26,595,328 bytes 10:03

ROOM2PCM.PCK 16,486,400 bytes 06:13

ROOM3PCM.PCK 13,660,160 bytes 05:09

ROOM4PCM.PCK 14,958,592 bytes 05:39

ROOM5PCM.PCK 38,764,544 bytes 14:38

All 5 audio files seem to exhibit this format: 11,025 Hz 16-bit stereo raw PCM audio

Finally, there is the SND directory which contains 59 PCK files, 251 CDP files, and the BIOMAP.BIN file.

The PCK files, like those found in the root directory, are also 16-bit stereo raw PCM files. Almost all of the PCK files have a sampling rate of 6,000 Hz; they are the moaning voices for the zombies. The TITLE.PCK file, for example, has a sampling rate of 11,025 Hz.

The CDP (CD Pack Ver 1.0) files are broken down as follows:
  • 65% of the CDP files have "SE????.CDP" in their file names where the ? denotes a range of different hex characters; I assume that these are the sound files for various sound effects.
  • 21% of the CDP files have "BGM???.CDP" in their file names; I assume that these are the background music files you are referring to, aeris.
  • 6% of the CDP files have "DOOR???.CDP" in their file names; I assume that these are the sound files for the opening and closing of different doors. 😀
  • 4% of the CDP files have "WEP0?.CDP" in their file names; I assume that these are the sound files for the various weapons. 😛
  • As for the remaining 4% of the CDP files, I'd classify them as miscellaneous sound files (e.g., foot steps, sound when your character gets hurt perhaps???).
Now, after all of these superfluous data I have collected, I have no idea how to decode or convert these CDP files. I will leave it up to one of those "mad scientists" to hopefully to finish the job. :lol:


  • open_pck_file.gif
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  • open_pck_file.gif
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Hmm. That's interesting information but unfortunately i'm not skilled enough to be able to make use of it (i've tried everything i can thing of). Thanks for taking the time to look at the cd layout though.
Not to bring up the dead, so to speak....but i wanted to see if something might come of this work.

i have both the US and the JPN versions of this game. the one notible difference, besides language, is the cutscene with the first zombie is a bit longer in the JPN version.

with this information, is it possible to replace the cutscene in the US version with the japanese version?
Hope nobody minds me bringing up this old, old thread, but I was wondering if any solutions or software advances (emulators and whatnot) had since arisen that might let me convert these .cdp files? I still want this song! Again, I'm always very grateful for any help.

Thanks, Aeris
aeris said:
Hope nobody minds me bringing up this old, old thread, but I was wondering if any solutions or software advances (emulators and whatnot) had since arisen that might let me convert these .cdp files? I still want this song! Again, I'm always very grateful for any help.

Thanks, Aeris

I can tell you it's MIDI with waveform samples. I can't say I've every worked with MIDI (certainly not Saturn's MIDI). Perhaps someone else has experience here?

At the moment, I'm trying to figure out the sequence data. The manuals help a little bit. I've only just started studying the Saturn but if I hit upon any breakthroughs, I'll let you know.
Will that be a similar format to the music from NiGHTS (i.e. the Saturn's CyberSound)? If so, count me as interested in a disassembly/playing tool. =)
Drenholm said:
Will that be a similar format to the music from NiGHTS (i.e. the Saturn's CyberSound)? If so, count me as interested in a disassembly/playing tool. =)

I only glanced at NiGHTS but the data doesn't look at all similar.

In Resident Evil, the CDP file data is sent directly to the sound CPU driver. Assuming that Cybersound is a significantly different driver, I would expect the data in NiGHTS to be completely different. However it is possible that the data in NiGHTS is compressed, in which case I would have to see it in an uncompressed state.

I'm still investigating so stay tuned!