Quote: from MasterAkumaMatata on 9:07 pm on Nov. 8, 2001
Also, a lot of people seems to love Panzer Dragoon Saga for some reason. ::![]()
Enemy Zero (U) is also 4 discs. The FAQ says so:Quote: from Fabrizo on 10:32 pm on Nov. 8, 2001
I only own one RPG for my saturn: Panzer Dagoon Saga. I must say it has to be the BEST game I have ever played for the system, in any catagory. I also think its the only demestic (if not world wide) saturn game to ever reach 4 disks. Very nice.
The Game is in 4 disks, numbered 0 to 3. Disk 0 contains the Opening Movie to give you an idea of the story, a Training section and some information and clips on the programmers at WARP. Disks 1 to 3 contain the actual game.
Quote: from MasterAkumaMatata on 9:07 pm on Nov. 8, 2001
Also, a lot of people seems to love Panzer Dragoon Saga for some reason. ::![]()