Satourne or Yabause ?

I have dealt with both of these Saturn emulators, and I was wondering which one is less buggier ? Or is there really any difference with either one of these emus, as Saturn emulation is still very surprising buggy , after all these years ? My intent is to use emus as my dev tool of choice.
Neither. The only truly trustworthy emulator is the **latest versions** of Mednafen. If you need an emulator with debuggers, you should use Kronos.
Hmm....interesting. But my development will be under 32-bit Xp, as I literally knocked the dust off ,( bought a new PSU, scraped off the old thermal paste and replaced it with some fresh paste) an old system I had just lying around for now near 2 decades. :hmmmm2:
Satourne hasn't been updated since way longer than Yabause, and some of it ended up in Yabause iirc.
Try for yourself, but Satourne should be less accurate than Yabause or its forks, Yabasanshiro and Kronos.
Satourne hasn't been updated since way longer than Yabause, and some of it ended up in Yabause iirc.
Try for yourself, but Satourne should be less accurate than Yabause or its forks, Yabasanshiro and Kronos.
I decided to use Mednafen for testing on my Win10 laptop, but out of curiosity's sake I'm going to mess with either one of the other ones, simply because of the fact that I'll be working from what's basically an '05 desktop. But much thanks for the opinion on the emulators, as I'm grateful for ANY 2nd,3rd, or even..... an 100th opinion. I'm just trying to get at least a little bit of code running, and I might just capture the results and post it on here...:adore::adore::adore:
Why developing on XP? I use XP for some vintage gaming machines - but they're nowhere near powerful enough to emulate the Saturn.
Why developing on XP? I use XP for some vintage gaming machines - but they're nowhere near powerful enough to emulate the Saturn.
Sorry about getting back to the forums a bit late....but I figured that since some of the Saturn dev tools ran on 95, running them in Xp would make some feasible amount of sense. But anyway, I do need some direction on how to setup the dev environment to start coding compilations. I have the shc++ GNU compilers, and the older compilers that won't work on Win10, that's why I have my Xp machine. And as for Yabause and Satourne, I have them for sentimental reasons. So, anyone that will help me figure the compiler/environment setup, I will appreciate it. :adore:😎:cwm17:
most of the important tools that are used with SGL have an NT version which works on 64bit win10, for cinepak you need mac anyways and for some less used tools (used lots by some devs, but not commonly used by everyone) dosbox is plenty good.

Depending on which SDK you are going to use you would either use those old tools or newer alternatives to them, or even make your own tools (which is the common thing to do)

EDIT (forgot to answer last bit):
Depending on how much you want to throw your self in from the start and what you experience with coding in C is you have multiple chices of SDKs

These are the choices that currently exist:
  1. jo-engine - Build on top of SGL, makes it very easy to start and make something, but is limited on what you can do with it, you can still do 2D & 3D games.
  2. SGL - Official sega library, a bit more advanced than jo, but still relatively easy to use. People usually start using this after they outgrow jo-engine.
  3. SBL - Another official sega library has a more low-level API compared to SGL. 3D games is more difficult than SGL.
  4. Yaul - Open source library, bit harder to use, and at the moment its constantly getting updates and is changing.
  5. Write your own! - Only do this if you understand the hardware well and you hate your self.
As an IDE you can use basically any text editor, but some of popular choices (at least the ones I know of) are VSCode or Notepad++
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most of the important tools that are used with SGL have an NT version which works on 64bit win10, for cinepak you need mac anyways and for some less used tools (used lots by some devs, but not commonly used by everyone) dosbox is plenty good.

Depending on which SDK you are going to use you would either use those old tools or newer alternatives to them, or even make your own tools (which is the common thing to do)

EDIT (forgot to answer last bit):
Depending on how much you want to throw your self in from the start and what you experience with coding in C is you have multiple chices of SDKs

These are the choices that currently exist:
  1. jo-engine - Build on top of SGL, makes it very easy to start and make something, but is limited on what you can do with it, you can still do 2D & 3D games.
  2. SGL - Official sega library, a bit more advanced than jo, but still relatively easy to use. People usually start using this after they outgrow jo-engine.
  3. SBL - Another official sega library has a more low-level API compared to SGL. 3D games is more difficult than SGL.
  4. Yaul - Open source library, bit harder to use, and at the moment its constantly getting updates and is changing.
  5. Write your own! - Only do this if you understand the hardware well and you hate your self.
As an IDE you can use basically any text editor, but some of popular choices (at least the ones I know of) are VSCode or Notepad++
Thanks for the direction, as I already hate myself😀, so I have no choice but to drown in this (as I intend to anyway) ,so I can at least have something up and running. I have Notepad++, VSCode, and I've noticed that older VSC++ Express actualy can work with the includes/libs of SGL , enough to code and use Intellisense..but no luck on coding an executable as x86 isn't the target platform hardware. However, coding isn't my problem, its just compilation, and generating the proper (*.o) files. Just the thing about setting up a proper compiler and such, so my code won't just be a bunch of fancy text files taking up precious hard drive space. Oh, BTW.. I've tested some of the compilers on Win10, and alot of them don't work, that is why I have an Xp machine as backup, as half of these tools are old. SSSDK intalls fine, but it usually cries for a (*.dll) file, thats already in the install directory:banghead::banghead:
most of the important tools that are used with SGL have an NT version which works on 64bit win10, for cinepak you need mac anyways and for some less used tools (used lots by some devs, but not commonly used by everyone) dosbox is plenty good.

Depending on which SDK you are going to use you would either use those old tools or newer alternatives to them, or even make your own tools (which is the common thing to do)

EDIT (forgot to answer last bit):
Depending on how much you want to throw your self in from the start and what you experience with coding in C is you have multiple chices of SDKs

These are the choices that currently exist:
  1. jo-engine - Build on top of SGL, makes it very easy to start and make something, but is limited on what you can do with it, you can still do 2D & 3D games.
  2. SGL - Official sega library, a bit more advanced than jo, but still relatively easy to use. People usually start using this after they outgrow jo-engine.
  3. SBL - Another official sega library has a more low-level API compared to SGL. 3D games is more difficult than SGL.
  4. Yaul - Open source library, bit harder to use, and at the moment its constantly getting updates and is changing.
  5. Write your own! - Only do this if you understand the hardware well and you hate your self.
As an IDE you can use basically any text editor, but some of popular choices (at least the ones I know of) are VSCode or Notepad++

Thanks for the direction, as I already hate myself😀, so I have no choice but to drown in this (as I intend to anyway) ,so I can at least have something up and running. I have Notepad++, VSCode, and I've noticed that older VSC++ Express actualy can work with the includes/libs of SGL , enough to code and use Intellisense..but no luck on coding an executable as x86 isn't the target platform hardware. However, coding isn't my problem, its just compilation, and generating the proper (*.o) files. Just the thing about setting up a proper compiler and such, so my code won't just be a bunch of fancy text files taking up precious hard drive space. Oh, BTW.. I've tested some of the compilers on Win10, and alot of them don't work, that is why I have an Xp machine as backup, as half of these tools are old. SSSDK intalls fine, but it usually cries for a (*.dll) file, thats already in the install directory:banghead::banghead:
I don;t know the SS hardware enough to write in assembly....that's quite a bit intricate.