They are the onchip modules and configuration registers.You are missing one section: 0x05ffe000-05ffffff. This appears to contain more memory mapped registers.
My idea is share everithing I get.
AFAIK pseudo saturn exploit copy fake sectors to CDB ram, but neither am I an expert.
If Im in correct JHDL tried to dump the rom in programing mode.Did anyone ever try dumping the SH1 as an EPROM?
What funtionality do you refer???I wonder if any of the functionality is still present in the non-PROM versions.
Not at all, sorry for no posting more progress.Great ! In advance, thank you for sharing 🙂
HiIf Im in correct JHDL tried to dump the rom in programing mode.
What funtionality do you refer???
Not at all, sorry for no posting more progress.
The only Ive discovery at the moment is a kind of prompt on test pins.
Its a normal serial conection at 9600bps, you can write with an serial terminal some comands for read and write some memory regions, but the relevant sections are not fully accesible, the code dont let you read the ROM, or write the on chip DRAM wich is the place where is located the stack. If you try to read the ROM always return 31 characters (IIRC) from ofset 0x0400, the copyright message I posted in first post.
At this moment Im block in a weird fuction, that looks like ofuscate the pointers to some calling functions, ghidra blocks at the same point.
Ive ported some portions of code to python for geting an ram map, but I missing something and the code reaches a function return that underflows the stack.
So at this moment Im modifying mydissasembler for turning it in an very basic SH1 emulator.
If Im in correct JHDL tried to dump the rom in programing mode.
What funtionality do you refer???
Not at all, sorry for no posting more progress.
The only Ive discovery at the moment is a kind of prompt on test pins.
Its a normal serial conection at 9600bps, you can write with an serial terminal some comands for read and write some memory regions, but the relevant sections are not fully accesible, the code dont let you read the ROM, or write the on chip DRAM wich is the place where is located the stack. If you try to read the ROM always return 31 characters (IIRC) from ofset 0x0400, the copyright message I posted in first post.
At this moment Im block in a weird fuction, that looks like ofuscate the pointers to some calling functions, ghidra blocks at the same point.
Ive ported some portions of code to python for geting an ram map, but I missing something and the code reaches a function return that underflows the stack.
So at this moment Im modifying mydissasembler for turning it in an very basic SH1 emulator.
Thanks, I dont have a windows computer only a virtual machine with windows xp, and IDA neither, but im interested in give a look.Hi
A long time ago I did a SH1 windows emulator to dig in cdb ROM dump.
Some years ago I did a SH1 GUI Emulator to dig in CDB ROM. I was using CDB 106 ROM for my tests. When I stopped the emulator coding, only the CPU core was emulated. It has some good featuree for now, it can step in code instruction by instruction, highlight register/memory changes, breakpoints by PC location or cycles, log memory access, save states and maybe some others that I did not remember now. Follows attached some emu prints. The disasembled code is a direct copy of IDA. It has not a disassembly feature. If you have interest please let me know.
There are three versions available in the MAME romsets ( I want to find at this moment is an easy way for dump the rom, maybe if the rom is more accesible, more people will work on it, to finally find some easy way for execute arbitrary code in SH1.
Do you pretend inject code through SH2 and then dump the CDB ROM?
There are three versions available in the MAME romsets (
I have another crusade to you. I see at this moment that there is a method to dump H8 microcontroller ROM. Maybe it could work on first versions of CD Drive that has a H8. This is a glitch method using FPGA.Try to find a way, or some exploitable way.
I didnt know that, if have know before I dont have buy the CDB daughterboard, and didnt embarked that crusade.
Even so, I will follow researching.
Excellent. I've downloaded now. Thank you.There are three versions available in the MAME romsets (
I have another crusade to you. I see at this moment that there is a method to dump H8 microcontroller ROM. Maybe it could work on first versions of CD Drive that has a H8. This is a glitch method using FPGA.
This guy is dumping the servo controller of N64DD.
GitHub - ChrisPVille/h8-dumper: Clock glitching FPGA-based ROM dumper for the H8/3292 and related mask ROM parts
Clock glitching FPGA-based ROM dumper for the H8/3292 and related mask ROM parts - ChrisPVille/