Saturn Internal Ram Messed UP

Hey after recently buying a new battery for my Saturn I decided I would start to play thru Panzer Dragoon Saga again......I got thru the first disk and decided to play the second disk 2day. To my horror when I turned on my Saturn the time/ date set screens came up and my PDS save file was erased! Has anyone else experienced this, and if so can anyone help me out?

Could be a bad connection between the battery and saturn e.g. contacts arent connection properly e.g dusty or loose which will cause loss of connection which in turn resets saturn

Or it could be a dud battery or a battery that has been used before

Or you have 3rd party catridge that has deleted all your settings as some are known to do this because they were created without any help from sega especially EMS.
If you have a memory cart, take it out and try the system without it in. Sometimes even a slight knock on the cart can cause all kinds of weird memory problems. Though it sounds more like a crap battery, in which case your save file is lost forever!!! MUAHAHAHA! :(
I have this exact same problem, I have put in a Duracell battery and it aint working, I have spilled a massive amount of water on it though (I say spilled, I pissed on it when I was drunk). Maybe a dud battery or something, Ill have to try a new one.
Originally posted by finty101@Jul 5, 2004 @ 11:48 PM

I have this exact same problem, I have put in a Duracell battery and it aint working, I have spilled a massive amount of water on it though (I say spilled, I pissed on it when I was drunk). Maybe a dud battery or something, Ill have to try a new one.

:lol: LMAO :lol:
Well it was like, I cant even remember what I did drunk, but I pissed on my brand new TV and my saturn underneath, It still works and the only lasting memory is a funky smell and little blotches on the case where it dried up.