Saturn Mod Problems

OK, i've gotten another saturn amd i am going to attempt to savage one of my chips and solder it to it.

But unfortuntly i have problems (do I ever get a break?) Luckily this one isn't to hard.

I have one of those weird mod chips that some reason require you to turn then 180 degrees different thn you nomally would. The ribbon is not long enough and it's not possible to do so.

Anyway around it this? Anywhere to buy a longer ribbon that would fit? I had one from a different saturn but it was utterly destroyed.


Forget it!!!! No problem. I just successfully modded my saturn. What i did was i took one of my old saturn mods. I took a look at mal's "mod your saturn without soldering to the CD Board IC Chip" and i finally understood what you were talking about. No problems at all =D Thanks mal, you're the best for figuring tha t stuff out. How come all guides on the net still say solder to the CD Board??? If they didn't have those guides I'd still have my original saturn :angry: