Saturn Waterworld

After recently learning that Waterworld for Saturn was completely finished before it's release was canceled, I sent an email to one of the Ocean programmers. Here is his response:

"Hi Kent,

It does exist! I really like playing it, but I'm kind of biased towards it :)

I may be wrong about this, but I think the problem will be getting the OK from Universal, or who ever owns the rights to any WaterWorld products.

I would really like to have the game out there and be playable on emulators or what ever. I think people would love the game. I'm just thinking back and there were only three of us working on that game from start to finish.

If you've got any legal ideas on how to make this game available to the masses, I'd love to hear it!


Steve Woita

Senior Game Designer / Producer / Developer

Eat Donuts, play DunkIt 2 at:"

Let's see if we can get this released !!
That are great news ! :rock:

There are some screenshots of the game available in this thread (you obviously already know that ;))

But what can we do to get it released ? We call Kevin Costner ?