When will the backup function of external 4M memory card be added?
Here is v0.126a with external backup ram carts support (press LSHIFT/RSHIFT to switch between Int/Ext). Same restrictions by petit fatfs applied (need to put files to sdcard root for SDLoader to write backup:
for save/for load/cart type/size
"bkramsv.bin", "bkramld.bin", "internal battery backed RAM", 65536
"bksv512k.bin", "bkld512k.bin", "ext. 4Mbit backup RAM", 524288
"bksv1m.bin", "bkld1m.bin", "ext. 8Mbit backup RAM", 1048576
"bksv2m.bin", "bkld2m.bin", "ext. 16Mbit backup RAM", 2097152
"bksv4m.bin", "bkld4m.bin", "ext. 32Mbit backup RAM",4194304
...files to save backups are included in archive)
Not tested at real hw. Please, report your result if its possible