Shining force 2

What languages does this game come in? just english and jap?

Im thinking about buying a german PAL version but not sure if it is in english or not
AFAIK, yes, but I'm not sure on that point. English is listed as the language for the European, Brazillian, and USA versions on Shining Force Central at any rate.
Well, that site is pretty reliable. I know Moogle owns the Euro version of the game, so she'd probably mention it if there were other langauges on the cart. Although it is quite possible that someone has translated the ROM.
I thought it was Moogie... with an I...

I also thought there was a Hong Kong version... in Chinese...

many periods...


my bad, I was thinking of the HK SitD.
Originally posted by Simanski@Dec 14, 2003 @ 06:05 AM

What languages does this game come in? just english and jap?

Im thinking about buying a german PAL version but not sure if it is in english or not

All PAL versions of Shining Force games are strictly in English. Rest assured, I've played all the versions of a few of the games... nothing but English and Japanese that I know of, unless I've gotten some badly named roms from some very knowledgable people.

And yeah, it's Moogie, with an "I"... she and I have been friends for 5 or so years now.
I've got the (German) PAL Version of Shining Force 2 and it IS in english.

In fact, there is no Shining-Game that comes in any other language than japanese and english, as far as I know.