silent hill 4

i just read the first few paragraphs of the import impression on gamespot; does the set up of this seem a little sim to that room game somebody linked to not to long ago?
ya you're in a room you can't get out your front door, 1st person, your head looks at things of intrest i dont know made me think of playing that game.
Are you talking about that flash game, the Crimson Room? It played similar to Snatcher/Policenauts?
I think your talking about Roomania #203 for the dreamcast. Still I love the Silent Hill series, the atmosphere is frickin awesome and always manages to freak me out.
the whole game isnt first person. just the parts when your in your room. i got the game yesterday. the room acts as a "hub" so to speak.
ya crimson room i didn't say the game was like it just how they described it on the site reminded me of the game. ya i'm importing the game as we speak right now.
played and beat both. is the japanese version of sh4 include english and japanese because i thought it said it did but if not eh?
Anyone know when the PC release is supposed to come out? (Assuming there will be one, which seems likely considering the Xbox release and the fact that Konami releases most of their games on PC these days)