SMS controller tat


Established Member
How is everyone here at segaxtreme. I local here a small amount but I am not widely known but none the less you all may only be the only ones who would understand my love for SEGA.

I am thinking about getting a tattoo in 2 months (bills come first obviously). And I want an SMS controller on my right arm with the cable coming off and wrapping around like its tied there.

Do you think this is crazy because other then geek thats all im hearing at work.

But thats not really what im here to ask, im really set on doing it no matter what anyone says i just have minimal drawing skill and would like to know if anyone would like to submit their own sketch of a drawing (signed in honor by the artist) that i would tattoo on myself. Homage to the loyal fans of my favorite console.
As long as you can put up with people asking you what the hell it is (both now and especially down the road).
Originally posted by Alexvrb@Jun 15, 2004 @ 01:35 AM

As long as you can put up with people asking you what the hell it is (both now and especially down the road).

Yeah, where I am from no one even knows what a Master System is, and if you start talking about a SC-3000, they'll think you're crazy.
Ill spread da word baby... let the people here a story of a classic system that they are less a person for never playing.
Interesting... personally I've always considered getting a tat of the Commodore C= logo on my shoulder.
Sounds like an alright idea. If i were to get a video game tattoo, i would get the SEGA logo right between my shoulder blades on my back. I think that would be cool.

Oh yeah, i have drawing skillz too! Maybe i can try to make a design tomarrow when i don't have work. Are ya looking for a realistic design? or more flexible cartoon feel like the controler is bendy and junk rather than stiff and rigid.
I present my former entries for the segaxtreme tshirt contest:


Originally posted by lordofduct@Jun 16, 2004 @ 12:41 PM

i really wanted that one to win... but probably really expensive to tat.

You want a permanent tatoo, and you're getting all cheap now? 😛 😀