So we might get a moon base....

Sell the moon dirt to the Earth people 🙂

As of sending robots to mars and the moon wheres the fun in that? Wouldnt you rather see the landscapes of the moon and mars through your own eyes then through the eyes of a robot? Sure it's more expensive but wow, what a trip it would be.

Hey ma! Look at me! I'm on Mars!
Well Ma would either be dead or with you in space, but hey, I get it. =)

You know, it could be a continuous landfill thing. I mean, it is just a rock (and I'm being half serious about the idea). Since the gravity is low, we could just fire the garbage out of orbit too. It's a terrible idea, but hey.

Why aren't we doing anything in Venus? Isn't that more hospitable to life (rather, more like Earth than Mars is?) The heat thing shouldn't put us off! Jeez.

The first thing I'd do on the moon base is make an intermural basketball team. Imagine NBA Jam, with real people!
As of sending robots to mars and the moon wheres the fun in that? Wouldnt you rather see the landscapes of the moon and mars through your own eyes then through the eyes of a robot? Sure it's more expensive but wow, what a trip it would be.

I definitely appreciate the point you're making, and to some extent I agree (I think it would be really cool to put people on Mars... as for the moon, well, why do something that we already know we can do if no new knowledge is to be gained?). However, you have to ask- what's the purpose of the mission? If it's just to say, 'Hey, we put people on Mars', then okay, but if it's exploration, then robots are simply better suited to that task at this point.