I know I'm not the only one who has model 1 Sega CDs with the white ribbon in the center between the lens and connector on board. This is the main downfall of the model 1s in my opinion. Unlike the Sega Saturn's ribbon which has a thin piece of metal (thin like a stapler) to help hold the bottom in place, the model 1 is free roaming and therefore, it has a tendency to bend and this causes seek and track problems within the drive. The bend of the ribbon is the result of it getting caught at the top end of the back of the cd drive and that causes problems when the lens seeks as it can't go to the back and front as free as it used to and it continually bends up and gets after that very first time. Not all model 1 cd drives are designed like this and of course will not suffer from this problem, though. For me, though, 4 out of 5 cd drives are designed like this (and three of those drive ribbons are in bent condition.) Of those 4 with the ribbon drive, 2 of them are definitely broken and beyond repair.