Hehe my first porty cd/mp3 player///
I bought this today and am currently testing it out...
...playing Beck CD right now.... so far so GREAT Lovin' the bass and the ANTI-SKIP!!! I've been sittin' on my phat ass shakin' the dang thing for 10 minutes and it has yet to skip!!! w00t!!!
...i'll tell you peeps how the mp3 play back works out... heard that it doesn't like encodes under 64kb/s or something...meh.
I bought this today and am currently testing it out...
...playing Beck CD right now.... so far so GREAT Lovin' the bass and the ANTI-SKIP!!! I've been sittin' on my phat ass shakin' the dang thing for 10 minutes and it has yet to skip!!! w00t!!!
...i'll tell you peeps how the mp3 play back works out... heard that it doesn't like encodes under 64kb/s or something...meh.