Star Wars III - Revenge of The Sith Opinions..

IMHO, he's actually a cyborg, hence the organic looking eyes and the heart/lungs that Obi Wan ends up shooting him in.

At the end of the second series of Clone Wars (the animated series on Cartoon Network), you get to see when Palpatine is kidnaped by Grievous. None of the 'lesser' Jedi seem to be able to do anything to stop him and just before he escapes with the Chancellor, Mace Windu uses some sort of Force crush on Grievous' chest - hence the breathing difficulty and coughing.
Actually I don't think that Anakin turned to the Dark side too quickly & it wasn't just his fear of losing his wife from a mere dream. Instead he had been evil & ambitious all along, as he stated to Obi-Wan in the end, he thought he was more powerful than the Emperor & he would soon kill him & take his place!
Originally posted by mal@Sat, 2005-06-04 @ 11:49 AM

I sat down and watched them again before seeing Ep III*, and a lot of things made much more sense.

Like General Grievious and his coughing if nothing else...

*mind you, I watched Ep I and II as well, but then I'm a lost cause. 😉

[post=134932]Quoted post[/post]​

Exactly how does General's Grievious coughing make sense by watching the previous 2 episodes?

This character was introduced in a StarWars III book-novel, clone wars miniseries & some comics I think.

Also in the novelization of Episode 3:

In the opening battle between Grevious' forces and the Republic ships, in the novel there is a humorous part where a young Captain Needa "fresh out of the Republic academy" appears on Grevious' viewscreen and tells him in an arrogant young voice to "Stand down"/surrender. (For those that don't know, this is the guy Vader chokes in ESB and then utters the memorable line "Apoligy accepted, Captain Needa.)
Here's the sequence of posts leading to your question. Let's see how your reading comprehension is:

Originally posted by schi0249+Sun, 2005-06-05 @ 01:18 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(schi0249 @ Sun, 2005-06-05 @ 01:18 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Who here saw Clone Wars before watching Ep. 3? I feel it did make more sense knowing that material as well. I know some people who didn't see it and had questions.

[post=134920]Quoted post[/post]​


Originally posted by mal@Sun, 2005-06-05 @ 02:49 AM

I sat down and watched them again before seeing Ep III*, and a lot of things made much more sense.

Like General Grievious and his coughing if nothing else...

*mind you, I watched Ep I and II as well, but then I'm a lost cause. 😉

[post=134932]Quoted post[/post]​

<!--QuoteBegin-ST Dragon
@Wed, 2005-06-08 @ 05:48 PM

Exactly how does General's Grievious coughing make sense by watching the previous 2 episodes?

This character was introduced in a StarWars III book-novel, clone wars miniseries & some comics I think.

[post=135078]Quoted post[/post]​


Does my added emphasis help? :sarcasm:
See I didn't see General's Grievious as a robot either. When I watched Clone Wars I assumed he was a cyborg. And Ep. 3 pretty much showed that as the truth... the lungs and heart.
As far as leia being able to remember her mother, I think it does kinda go into context, because of their so-called over-sensitive powers with the force (being the son and the daughter of the most powerful Jedi/Sith). Leia could have sensed (or had visions of) the past, just as Anakin had visions the future (Padme dying).

It may not have made much sense to most people, and was probably something Lucas had to think about when shooting the new movies, but here I am, talking about these "jedi senses" and "the force" like they were real. lol
Originally posted by mal@Wed, 2005-06-08 @ 03:51 AM

Here's the sequence of posts leading to your question. Let's see how your reading comprehension is:

Does my added emphasis help? :sarcasm:

[post=135081]Quoted post[/post]​

Oh my God. This was a horrible film. I mean, you would have to be a complete fan(atic) of the Star Wars universe to appreciate this trite piece of garbage. The acting was atrocious. The CG work was top of the line but used so poorly that I felt like I was watching a trailer for a video game. The story was utter crap and cobbled together from Lucas' frantic attempt to tie his abominable trilogy to episode iv. When you watch it you can even see he didn't do anything to streamline to narrative into ep 4. If Lucas were to submit this script to a Screenwriting professor, he would throw in the garbage and tell him to start over again. If he gave the script to a creative writing teacher in grade school, he would tell him that he has imagination and then throw the script in the garbage can and tell him to start over. The only reason to watch this "thing" is to note how far Digital cameras have come along. And even that isn't impressive...... I shutter to think how low people's tastes have come.
WOW!! Thats a little harsh. I'm not saying it was great, but it was better than the other 2. Personally, I will never buy this trilogy; and I hope Lucas stops here. I would rather some other film maker pick up this project; maybe shoot the first Zahn book series.

I am curious how horrid the TV series is going to be. I hope Lucas HIRES writers this time. Especially since writing for TV is so different than a movie.
I've had several conversations with some of my friends in the past, before Episode III came out, and I basically think that either star wars needs die, or someone else needs to direct any other movies. I think James Cameron or Steven Spielgberg could have done a heck of a lot better job with the series.

Lucas and Spielberg has worked together in the past, until Spielberg started pushing DTS sound technology, while Lucas rivaled it with its THX licensing and support for Dolby Surround and Dolby Digital.

As I've stated previously, Lucas doesn't really know how to make digital cgi graphics and real scenes go hand in hand. It just makes it seem too fake at times.

Otherwise, I still liked the movie. Everyone should realize that no movie is ever 100% like the story or books. The Star Wars series could have been long and drawn out to 20X more movies, but I really don't think that I could stand watching what it would have been if they chose some of the storyline(s) of attack of the clones and make it 5-6 movies. A few people I talk to said that each of the new movies (Episode 1-2 atleast) should have been split up into 2-3 movies.

I believe one of the things that has made Episode 2 the worst for me is because of the terrible transitions between scenes. That, along with a good part of the story being a boring romance story...
However Maddox is, he needs to relax before he gives himself a heart attack. I agree some of the story makes no sense. As for Yoda, he realised something was wrong; but not until Palpatine wispered his orders. Personally, I viewed that as being some programmed "code" phrase. Something to awaken a second set of orders.