Still getting surges/browns with UPS

Originally posted by gameboy900@Nov 28, 2003 @ 06:27 PM

You could of course have really shittiy power comming into your house. You'd be surprised how bad it can be sometimes. You just never noticed it before because alot of equipment is designed to deal with very large power variations.

That was my original theory.

It's an apartment and I don't think the power is the greatest.

That's part of the reason I got the TrippLite.

I haven't had any problems since I turned up it's sensistivity. And it's been over a week. Keeping my fingers crossed.
But you're relying on the software to tell you there's a problem, right? How do things look in your BIOS? Your board could just have a hard time keeping voltages level, even with with the Tripplite cleaning your power. Again, it could be your PSU. You can clean the power coming into that, but if your PSU is semi-borkin, it might be screwing things up.
how can I keep monitoring my BIOS?

BTW, hasn't happend again yet.

I think I have some funky power in my apartment.

I've noticed my lamp flickering sometimes.

Can't wait to move.