Take apart

I have an import Saturn game (Steam Hearts) that has a large amount of voices and cg pictures. (In AIF and PXT formats im guessing). Is there any way to extract/read these files? I tried looking in the misc section of this site but the tools dont seem to have support for files of these extention. Thanks

(BTW, shoudl this go in the saturn section or does it belong here in the hacking section?)
On a related note. I cant convert the intor either. Using cpk2avi gives me a really messed up movie file with no sound, though using .cpk to wav only mode works, using .cpk to avi silent or with sound gives me a avi file full of speed problems, pieces of frames not updating, and artificats. When I tried cpkview to jsut view it, the upper half of the movie played fine, but the bottom half was full of colored static. Ideas anyone?
Well for the movie, I tried another saturn game and it's movie files play perfect. Steam Hearts dosent. Also, theres a file called "CPKPLAY.BIN" in the cd folder that isnt in Clockwork Knight. Im starting to think that the Steam Hearts movie is in a special cinepak format. Well, I hope this new information helps someone solve my problem, still no luck on opening still cd images btw.
I have an import Saturn game (Steam Hearts) that has a large amount of voices and cg pictures. (In AIF and PXT formats im guessing).

AIF = standard aiff audio format. Try a program like sound forge.

PXT = propriety graphics format from the looks of it. Raw 15-bit graphics possibly?

Im starting to think that the Steam Hearts movie is in a special cinepak format.

Of course, the saturn cinepak format.
Nothing really special about that. To view/convert it, try a program like winvdt2.
Sigh, still nothing. The speech/music/movies I have been able to rip now, but I still CANNOT figure out how to read the graphics. Anyone else have any ideas?
If you put up one of those graphic files, I might have a go at the format. No promises tough, i'm kinda busy ^^;. You have _tried_ the TakDump16 tool from the TakDump package, rite ?
Im more them willing to send you some of the files, jsut tell me where to send them to. Notice: There is no porn or nudity but the pictures ARE slightly adult. (This game is rated ages 18+)

How do you want me to send them? FTP? E-Mail? Also, want me to zip/rar/arc them or no?

Thanks for the help.
The Saturn and PC-Engine versions were incredibly toned down. The game was originally a hardcore h-shooter released ont he PC-98. All I can recall of the game was the artwork between stages was nasty like the stile project.
They weren't toned down, they were flat out removed. It was dick girl porn of the chick doing whatever boss you beat up the ass.
Ewwwwwww, sorry about that. So youre saying that the images are on cd but the game never shows them? Damn, that means I have a lot of work to do to get the non-sick images im looking for. So you was actually able to view them? What did you use? I thaught this game was just hentai, not sick like that. Im GLAD they dont display >.<. since the gameplay itself is pretty good.
This "GIGA3" format is weird... It's some sort of trivial compression algoritm... I think i see a header, but no pallete. Are the images full color (not just 256 colors)?
Cyber Akuma: I've only seen the PC-98 game, that's what I'm talking about. Those images were likely ALL removed fromt he saturn disk. As for you comments, that IS hentai. Hentai means perverted. So anything deranged/perverse is what's labeled as hentai.
Oh, well hentai has different definitions, basically what *I* consider hentai is explicit nonsense nudity or people in the act. So you are saying you was jsut telling me from the original pc-98 game and wasnt able to decode the saturn format's image files? Anyone else willing to try? I won't mind sending them to anyone.