Get the Dreamblaster by MadCatz it was licenced by SEGA its multiregion and seems to be acurate enough. Its what I´m getting since some games were not released in EU I think

Virtua Cop 2, DeathCrimson2 and OX were these in europe too? The rest were.
Nexus 4MB seems like a must have with the cable, I really need to make backups of all my saves specialy bleem! gt2 those cars were hard to get!!
Arcade Sticks I plan on making my own, X-Arcade opinion in general is that they are not very solid or they wear quick, they do not use happs sticks or buttons you could change the stick and buttons tho..., plus not having a vmu slot is crap imo.
Total Control Plus 5 3in1 is a must, playing shooters with saturn model 1 pad is the only way.
The mouse may have some use too if we could play light gun games with it ;] and for Scumm if its compatible ... must check out.~
Dream Pad by MadCatz is very good the second model [transparent] some people changed the dpad with a saturn one so you get the best of the two worlds. Its also perfect for hacking if you plan on using it on a arcade stick. Its a million times more comfortable than the official one.