Top 5 rpg's of all time? ANy system counts !

Top 5 rpg's of all time? ANy system counts !

Gort and Luke rule. My birdmen tend to be fine up to a point, as they can get into combat then run away quickly, but towards the end they just get slaughtered in a shot or two.
Top 5 rpg's of all time? ANy system counts !

By release date order:
  • The Legend of Zelda (NES)
  • The Adventure of Link (NES)
  • Phantasy Star II (Genesis)
  • Shining in the Darkness (Genesis)
  • Shining the Holy Ark (Saturn)

Originally posted by slinga@Wed, 2005-12-28 @ 03:53 PM

Shining and the Darkness.
[post=142961]Quoted post[/post]​
Shining and the Darkness? Are you referring to the name of the Japanese version as opposed to the USA/PAL version?