Translating Black/Matrix

Recently in the SegaXtreme discord I've been talking with people about the possibility of getting this game translated, and despite this being the first time I've tried to do anything of the sort, I'm going to attempt to go through with it. I'm mainly making this thread as to better document this game and to post updates when I eventually have them. As of now there's not much of anything to show on my part, however, I'm hoping that will change in the future. So far I've had major help (mainly from Knight0fDragon and Megaflan) when it comes to understanding how to go about this and how to approach this project, any additional help is greatly appreciated and as I've already said, updates will be posted as they're made. If anyone happens to be interested in helping please let me know, as I've said I'm new to this but I'm dedicated and I'm determined to get it done.