@mercurius_59 have you updated your fenrir firmware? A while ago ced fixed an issue with us using cd space that crossed the security ring boundary
I'll give that a try, thanks. As for the bromides, it's a hard fail 100% of the time -- perfectly consistent, I don't remember exactly where it breaks on me, but it's the exact same point every time and I never see any portion of the cutscene. Once I get a chance to update the firmware, I'll try the bromides again too.@mercurius_59 have you updated your fenrir firmware? A while ago ced fixed an issue with us using cd space that crossed the security ring boundary
So, I tried the duo firmware by mistake at first, and naturally it didn't work. But then I realized I was supposed to use the 21 pin firmware for my 21 pin fenrir, and unfortunately when I tried that (put the update file in the sd card root, re-inserted the sd card and turned it on) and it looks like that didn't work either. Everything is basically the same as before; bromides still black-screen, same Kyle dialogue loop during the cutscene@mercurius_59 have you updated your fenrir firmware? A while ago ced fixed an issue with us using cd space that crossed the security ring boundary
For the castlemania thing, it's because they used a different chip then they were supposed to so they have a custom "castlemania-only" firmware. If you go to the Fenrir discord, in the #beta-firmware channel, you can get an updated firmware for it. It'll be the one with "castlemania" in the filename.Sure! I actually have no idea what I'm doing with Saturn save files (is there a guide you or anyone would recommend?), but this is the backup Fenrir gave me.
Also, I think I have another unrelated problem: my 21-pin Fenrir from Castlemania appears to think it's a DUO, which could be complicating my firmware updates. I'm not the only one who's had this issue it looks like, so hopefully Castlemania support gets back to me with some kind of fix.
Like with Jess' Bromide 2 after getting Xenobia's Bromide talking to the NPC crashes the game too.
A copy of the save.
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Here is the save at the start of the Epilogue.
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I was able to get all 13 Bromides like with the Playstation version. I heard there was 1 less in this version, but its all here. Rememberizer and all.
Thank you for continuing development of this translation.Finally got around to fixing the bromide NPC issue and updated to version 0.75 The WD script added a link that did not exist in the original game. After obtaining the bromide, talking to the NPC is supposed to follow a link to a command #5 (end of script). In both cases, the link wasnt there, so the game script just jumped to a random location and crashed.
(Also fixed the reported rememberizer Altena typos and Video#32 having JP audio "Ares").
I'm pretty sure he said Silver Star Story work is on hold while he works on Eternal Blue.still no subtitles yet?