what games to get out of Japan

yeah, a Saturn with nothing means it's just the unit (it works, but doesn't include pads or leads - those are more expensive than the grey console itself
There are a hell of a lot of awesome japanese saturn games to get, far too many to list here.

I picked up waku waku 7 and im a bit dissapointed, i am used to the neo geo version and although the saturn version retains the gameplay, the graphics leave a lot to be desired. It runs at about half the speed of the neo original and also for some strange reason the backgrounds are about half the resolution aswell! :S Quite odd as the saturn is easily powerfull enough to hand this type of game. On top of that there is a loading screen during the fights which is quite off putting.

If only they used all 4mbytes of the ram cart and not just 1 it (and all other snk ports) would have been much more faithfull to their originals.