What Genny game had the best GFX?

good one alexvrb.

cant believe i forgot streets of rage 3.

i dont like landstalkers graphics. it looks like its meant to have alot of colours but it has been sampled down. it looks really grainy
Originally posted by racketboy@May 23, 2003 @ 05:36 PM

Virtua Racing was good, but it had the special chip built in

Still cool to see it running on a stock Genny

Wasn't that game like hecka expensive when it came out?

Yes, it was expensive. Recently, I bought it off ebay for like 1 dollar (bought from someone I was already buying from, free shipping). It's kind of nifty, but thats about it. They should have used a chip like that for a really intense 2D game ala Gunstar Heroes. Was that the only genesis game to use such a chip? I know there were a bunch of different chips for the SNES to get it to run a lot of the later bragging-rights games. From the C4 up to the Super FX 2...

Oh yeah, and I thought pretty much everything in Vectorman looked great. I remember being impressed by the graphics as a whole, but especially vectorman and the bosses. Lousy tornado throwing lawn chairs at me!
You guys have to be objective. This is about graphics not gameplay.

I hate to admit it, but...

Adladin had some pretty impressive animation. Sure, the game and idea sucks, but it was great eye candy the first time you saw it.

Not as cool as Castlevania, but much better looking.
Maybe not the best graphics, however one with great early graphics is/was Ballz. IIRC it even was the first 3D Fighter released to a home system. However the graphics were impressive because they were so versitile.
Originally posted by THL@May 26, 2003 @ 08:46 AM

Maybe not the best graphics, however one with great early graphics is/was Ballz. IIRC it even was the first 3D Fighter released to a home system. However the graphics were impressive because they were so versitile.

Hehe, didn't that game have an ad campaign that said something like 'start playing with your balls'?