What's the best Star Wars flight game?


Established Member
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

I haven't really played many Star Wars flight-based games, but have always wanted to give one a try.

So I ask you this, what is the best all-around Star Wars game where flight combat is the main theme?

I'm assuming the best ones are for the PC, but if anyone can strongly recommend a console one, lemme know.

Gameplay is the main concern.

Story and graphics are a major plus though.

XP compatibility is pretty important too.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

I have most of the older ones with boxes and everything, I bought them when they were new. 🙂 X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter is a good one, and I believe it is Win95 compatible, but I'm sure the newest DosBox wont have any trouble running the old ones. I even have some of the expansions to X-Wing and Tie Fighter. heh.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

what are the expansions like?

How do X-Wing & Tie Fighter compare to VS.?
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Xwing vs Tie Fighter is alright. It was originally designed to be a multiplayer game and the single player campain feels a little tacked on. The expansion pack "Balance of Power" is good though.

The original Xwing is very good. The original Tie Fighter is better. The best of the lot is probably Xwing Alliance though.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Yeah I'm looking for single player, but I guess if there is some good LAN games, that would be nice for future reference.

So curtis, your ranking is

X-Wing Alliance > Tie Fighter > X-Wing ?
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

X-Wing alliance is pretty good, but sometimes it gets too simulation-like for me. I have trouble remembering which key combination is needed to do this or that. 🙄

When I'm in a blasting kind of mood, it's got to be either Rogue Squadron or Battle for Naboo. 🙂
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

TIE-Fighter is the shizznit. I've ended up re-buying it three times now.. and I don't even like Star Wars. Mal is right about the PC games being quite testing on the memory since they use pretty much every key possible, but strangely it's never bothered me with TIE-Fighter.

If you're running an XP machine, X-Wing seems to run with less problems than TIE-Fighter (which is fine in 98) which is a bit odd since it's the older game. Another thing that might be worth mentioning is that it seems to be impossible to get the games to an acceptable level of brightness. It could just be my monitor but it doesn't seem that way. If you get the menu parts so you can see what it is you're clicking at, the in-flight brightness is then FAR too bright.

It's about time they properly updated them, compatability wise.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron!

First is on N64 and PC, second (Rogue Leader) and third (Rebel Strike) are on GameCube. Rogue Leader is included on Rebel Strike in a 2-player co-op mode.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

IMHO, the best one is that old school arcade one. You know the one I'm talking about, vector graphics all the way! No really, I don't really like the newer ones, but I love that one.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Know what you mean about being "simmy" mal. I always loved that style of play...at least for a Star Wars flight sim. There are heaps of keys to learn, but you can get away with a minimum if you have a joystick with lots of buttons. 🙂
What's the best Star Wars flight game?


No seriously it's a great game. The graphics aren't the greatest by todays standards (no texture mapping really) but the game is perfect. And it has a kick ass story too.

Oh and don't bother with Rough Squadron for PC. The game is unplayable on fast machines. For some reason the damn developers didn't include speed throtling in it so on a fast PC it flies like mad.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

You have a Cube right? I am thinkin you do....if you do go get Rebel Strike! It's like Rogue Squadron but better.....made by the same people and is basically a sequel. Rent it atleast, it's worth it, trust me.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

no cube -- yet

don't like much of the non-flight levels though either.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Originally posted by Curtis@Feb 4, 2004 @ 03:16 PM

Know what you mean about being "simmy" mal. I always loved that style of play...at least for a Star Wars flight sim. There are heaps of keys to learn, but you can get away with a minimum if you have a joystick with lots of buttons. 🙂

The great thing about all those extra keys in X-Wing and Tie Fighter was the depth additional functions added. Like managing the energy distribution amongst your shields, engines, and weapons depending on what the situation was. For me that was always fun. I haven't played the more recent titles so I don't know whether they continue that trend.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

They certainly did into X-Wing Alliance.

I do like like playing the more in depth type of game sometimes, but I get frustrated with the amount of keys you need to learn. I play the Proving Grounds the most. It's nice and simple. 🙂
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Yeah...the proving grounds are awesome. A great feature of the games since the original Xwing was released. 🙂

The depth added though the extra keys really is amazing. I agree it can be frustrating when you get shot to hell because you accidentally left both shields and lasers recharging at maximum, but it makes what would be an ordinary game much more interesting. The inertia is a good idea too - forcing you to slow down to make tight turns really adds to the dogfights.

Don't get me wrong, the Squadron type games are fun, but they are as shallow as Episode 1. 😉
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Originally posted by Curtis@Feb 4, 2004 @ 10:36 PM

Don't get me wrong, the Squadron type games are fun, but they are as shallow as Episode 1. 😉

Episode 1? 😱

That's a bit harsh. 😛