Phantasy Star II - August 2020

Phantasy Star II

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  • Don't Copy that Floppy!

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  • Bigfoot stole my copy!

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  • Macs Suck!

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  • My name is Dick Johnson....

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Weeeee!

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Staff member
Phantasy Star II - August 2020


For all of you who remember this masterpiece on the Sega Genesis, what are you favorite memories from it?

Artwork, music, story depth were all top notch for the time. Coming all on a 6mb cart! This was HUGE for its day.

You could travel to different planets and such.

Amazing JRPG. If you have never played it do so now!

They killed off one of the main characters?!?!

In 2005 Sega made a remake of the game for the Playstation 2 with updated graphics, storyline, combat system, and sound.

You can get it on just about any modern console, even steam has it available.
Steam Link
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lmao that game was terrible, by midway through you got minute long random battles every 3 steps coupled with complex mazes.
at least some of the music was pretty good
One of my favorite RPGs from that era. The setting was fascinating, especially coming from largely traditional fantasy 80's RPGs, there was nothing quite like it. The closest was its direct predecessor, but PS II had an even stronger science fiction influence. The characters were cool, the music was badass (still some of my favorite RPG tunes to this day), the art style was great (and meshed with the music nicely), and the story was unique and interesting (even if dialogue was sparse in most 80s RPGs). It was the first RPG to actually make me upset over a tragic character death.

I loved exploring the world and following the bread crumbs to figure out what had gone so wrong with the systems governing Motavia and the Algol system.
lmao that game was terrible, by midway through you got minute long random battles every 3 steps coupled with complex mazes.
at least some of the music was pretty good
I disagree. For those playing RPGs (and games in general) during that era most of the aspects you mentioned were commonplace. PS II came right on the back of 8-bit RPGs like PS I and Dragon Warrior. The only part that was more challenging than normal was the dungeon layout (starting with the dams - prior to that it wasn't bad). But the game in the US shipped with a guide, so even that wasn't a major problem over here. Not that you couldn't map it yourself with a pen and paper... I did that one playthrough, as a challenge. Anyway, yeah going back and playing it later after experiencing newer RPGs would make it a lot tougher to tolerate, and therefore enjoy. I wouldn't recommend the original version to anyone that didn't play it when it was fresh, the remake maybe (if they dig old style RPGs). You can get a fan translation of the PS2 remake.