Which sega units have S-video?

Which of all the Sega Genesis, CD, combo units, and other rare sega-playing hardware have S-video output?

Are there any boxes that have relatively easy mods? I've been reading the X'Eye thread and it seems to be having some troubles.

S-Video mods are possible for both Master Systems and for both Genesis'. It is not possible for the 32X. Not sure about the CDX, X-Eye or any of the others.
Only Wondermega 1 & 2 have S-video outputs by default.

It's definitely possible on X'eye (same video encoder as on Genesis), it's just a matter of soldering a few parts on pcb...I think I'll complete this mod on next week (following the neogeousa instrustions, I've finally decided to try it).
Originally posted by Arakon@Feb 21, 2004 @ 05:39 AM

only some of the combo units have s-video by default, all others don't.

the mod is rather easy on genny 1-3.

I thought only Model 3s and late Model 2s had the appropriate encoder for S-Video.