Oddly much like mal I've been frustrated with certain persons here and the general vibe at SX. Not sure why that is. Maybe I'm nostalgic for the good old days. Or maybe it's about that time that I just take my leave. I made my mark in the HaF section, right? Hmm....
The problem, as previously mentioned, is that Republicans own the executive and legislative. And for the most part, most of the SC justices are conservative (at least from the case law I've read). There are a couple social issues that SCJ have sided on the 'liberal' side for, but it's mostly from originalism and not because of social concerns (i.e.
Casey, where the right arises from penumbras and not because of a guaranteed right).
The point is, if you look at those things that the government is concerned with, as in legislation that gets proposed, very little has to do with rectifying the current problems. In his SotU address, he mentions doing a whole lot of things, but never seems to get around to it. I.e. his hydrogen cars. Granted, those vehicles would be even worse to the environment than current gas vehicles, but it'd be a good starting point to bridge the gap. Rather, he's complaining that no one passed his energy bill, and that's why we're stuck with high gas prices. Complainer, not a doer.
At least Clinton made an effort to look like he was getting stuff accomplished. He didn't get too bogged down in the bombing of Bosnia and Iraq did he? Not particularly.
I suppose it's this micro management thing the gov't has been getting into the habit of. Very frustrating.
The economy does have a little to do with the government. As we know, deficit spending only degrades the economy's growth. What's odd is that prior to Reagan, republicans were fiscally very sound - now, as Cheney put it, "Reagan taught us that deficits don't matter." Scary thought.
If you want to pay attention to what the government is doing, C-SPAN is a good start. So is
www.chblue.com, and