Who are you voting for President.

Yeah I realize the spliting votes thing.

So there isn't a rule against it.

So say Governor Arnold could run too and nobody could stop him?

(if his duties as Gov weren't an issue)

I'm not a huge Arnold fan, I'm just speaking hypotheticly
No, because he wasn't born in this country. Although, Orrin Hatch introduced a proposed Constitutional Amendment to change that to 20 years of citizenship (which Arnie has). However, Arnold claims he has no interest.
A country borne of immigrants not allowing immigrants to run is kind of ludicrous. Hopefully that stupid rule gets changed.

Though, way back in the 1800s it made a lot of sense.
Originally posted by siamese@Jul 1, 2004 @ 03:12 AM

maybe you take things just to seriously. 🙁

I don't think so. But you could be right.

But let's assume I want to take things seriously? Why change that and acquiesce to what makes you unhappy?
What we really need is for some total liberal whack job to run as an independant, someone who will pull in voters who would otherwise not give a damn, like how Jesse Ventura became governor of MN. I'm sincerely hoping someone like Howard Stern will run in 2008. Larry Flint would make an excellent president, though I doubt he would pull in the votes. Just, we need someone who will stop at nothing to secure and protect our basic civil liberties, especialy the first amendment. Someone who would be so extreme that they'd force both the Democrats and the Republicans to get their shit together and make politics about the best interest of ALL the people, not just their campaign contributors.
besides the immigrant thing?

Generally, he couldn't get on the ballots as a Republican, if that's what you mean. Political parties are recognized and regulated at the state level, and you can't just run as an affiliate of a party without a nomination. He would have to run as an independent or with another party (Libertarian Party, Reform Party, etc.).
Originally posted by VertigoXX@Jul 3, 2004 @ 07:56 AM

What we really need is for some total liberal whack job to run as an independant, someone who will pull in voters who would otherwise not give a damn, like how Jesse Ventura became governor of MN. I'm sincerely hoping someone like Howard Stern will run in 2008. Larry Flint would make an excellent president, though I doubt he would pull in the votes. Just, we need someone who will stop at nothing to secure and protect our basic civil liberties, especialy the first amendment. Someone who would be so extreme that they'd force both the Democrats and the Republicans to get their shit together and make politics about the best interest of ALL the people, not just their campaign contributors.

Sounds good to me, the Nader-types have historically lended themselves to more favourable outcomes for the Republican party.
Originally posted by MTXBlau@Jul 2, 2004 @ 05:14 PM

Why change that and acquiesce to what makes you unhappy?

acquiesce: to consent or comply passively or without protest

synonym assent

ludicrous: laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or

incongruity. synonym foolish


that is an example of why. See, reading your posts and interacting

with you guys helps me improve my english. i might not agree with

you and sometimes i work a lot trying to write a coherent post to express my feelings, ideas or foolish behaviour, but there is a difference between that and

insulting or being rude with anyone. If that's your case my sincere

apologies to you.

Just having fun, as i stated before life is a LOT more complicated

so why worry? 😉
What we really need is for some total liberal whack job to run as an independant, someone who will pull in voters who would otherwise not give a damn, like how Jesse Ventura became governor of MN. I'm sincerely hoping someone like Howard Stern will run in 2008. Larry Flint would make an excellent president, though I doubt he would pull in the votes. Just, we need someone who will stop at nothing to secure and protect our basic civil liberties, especialy the first amendment. Someone who would be so extreme that they'd force both the Democrats and the Republicans to get their shit together and make politics about the best interest of ALL the people, not just their campaign contributors.

Usually when people of this nature get elected to office, its basically a cry of help from the voters. In the case of Ventura (and like-wise Arnold), the people were basically fed up with thier current leaders, and in response showed that they when things go bad, anything can happen. Ventura/Arnold had no real advatage over thier candidates (bar celebrity status), but when people get pushed too far, the voter community is likely to put just about anyone in governement.
And in the case of Ventura, politicians with no political background cause more damage to a state. I don't know if California is going through anything similar. In their case, at least the govenor is a member of a party in standing.
Hmm actually, Arnold seems to be doing OK. Not great, but OK. In Ventura's case, he has acted inappropriately a couple of times, but I think he's actually a pretty smart guy. He speaks well and makes his points very well, and doesn't rely on theatrics too much (unlike Arnold). I don't know much about his policies, however.
His fiscal policies were terrible. And was pretty much unwilling to compromise with the main parties. He held the legislature captive. Only way he would sign off on the budgets, was if they were his. He insisted we spend millions on a light rail system that will inevitably fail. In order to pay for that, he slashed funding of arts, education, and many state departments. Minnesota went from a state of annual budget surpluses before Ventura; to deficits since. The are aiming to eliminate the deficits by 2006. In order to balance the budget, we have been using magic numbers, shuffleing money from one fund to the general fund.
Hmm, yeah, that doesn't sound too great. However, the deficit is hardly surprising; nearly every state is in debt right now.
And that's all after Ventura decided to become a Republican. LOL Then even that didn't last long.

Anyway, the point is we need someone who will be able to attract voters like he did, only someone extremely liberal. Moreso liberal than even Clinton was. Someone who would fix the loss of liberties enacted by the current administration (and even I'll admit, Gore/Leiberman would've hurt us there, I just never expected something like 9-11 to give Bush's people free reign to basicly overturn the Bill of Rights even moreso). Someone who will protect the key things that truly make this country great. FREEDOM of ART LOVE and HAPPINESS to all those who wish them.

Grrr... Kerry just announced John Edwards as his running mate. The senator, not the fraud psychic. Blagh. I was still hoping for Kucinich.
I like Kucinich much more too, but Edwards makes a lot more sense politically, and it's going to be a tough battle.
Kerry, since most of my views seem to match or are close enough to what he believes...and there's no way I'd ever vote for Bush..can't stand the man. :angry: