Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

Originally posted by Shitface@Jul 1, 2004 @ 05:37 PM



OK, here goes.

They are setting up for 2 other vilians besides Green Goblin. Peter Parkers Prof. is obviously going to become lizard man. The no arm thing gives it away.

Plus, the guy that Mary Jane is going to mary is an astronaut. He is going to bring the Venom Symbiot from outer space. I don't if he will become venom, but he sure has a motive to get spider man after Mary Jane leaves him when she finds out Peter is spider man.. But i don't know if they will change it and make him venom, or the original Eddi Brock.



I don't mean to correct, but everyone thinks Venom comes from that Astronaut, like he did in the Fox TV show. that is incorrect.

The symbiote that joins with Brock to become Venom is actually first discovered by Spider-man. In the Secret Wars Saga (sort of like the Infinity Series) many super-heroes were on another planet created by a guy named "The Beyonder". After a rather tough fight, Spider-man's suit was ripped to shreds, and he saw Thor get a new helmet/cape from this one machine on that planet. Spider-man went to the wrong machine later, and freed the Symbiote by accident.

It tried to posses him, so he got rid of it, and Eddie Brock merged with it, thus gaining Spidey's powers through the symbiote.

sorry, it just annoys me that everyone was misinformed by the cartoon on Fox (which was pretty crappy anyway).
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

:lol: Yeah i guess i am kinda missinformed. I was never a huge spiderman fan so i didn't really read the comics all that much. But i doubt they are gonna do all that for the movie. Cause i really hope they have venom.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

Also, John Jameson, the guy MJ was engaged to, goes to the moon, brings back some ancient artifact, and becomes a werewolf. I think he was called Moonbeast or something like that. I know Werewolf by Night was someone else.

If anyone reads the Spider-GIRL comics (set in a possible future Marvel universe, and a far more consistantly good book than any of the regular Marvel universe Spidey books), John Jameson recently appeared in there as Moonbeast. He's also The Buzz's father.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?


You mean Man-Wolf. John Jameson becomes Man-Wolf, but I'm not sure how. That's one Marvel Character I'm not all that familiar with.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

The organic webshooters isnt something that the movie creators came up with. In actuality, Spider-man 2099 had them. I can't remember the guy's name, but it wasn't Peter Parker, it was something like Carlos Zuniga or something, he was doing an experiment, and was fused with a spider (kind of like the movie "The Fly") and gained Spidey's powers.

Only different. The spider-stick that Spidey has (in the comics) has to do with molecular recombination, while in the movie, he has tension hair, like a real spider. Spidey 2099 was similar to this, only he had teeny tiny claws that came out of his fingers, and feet, and they were retractable. I believe this is where the movie people got the idea for Spider-man's tension hair.

Secondly, the organic webbing is also a Spider-man 2099 idea. He actually produced webbing, like a spider, and shot it from his hands, but I cant remember if it was the top of his hands, (like Venom/Black Spidey) or if they were from his wrists.

I actually really like that. Spider-man was always having his web-shooters broken by a bad fall, or by a big guy (like Rhino) grabbing his wrists, AND he always ran out of fluid. He doesn't have this problem with the organic ones, at least until Spider-man 2, but it's for a different reason.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

Originally posted by PUNJABEE+Jul 3, 2004 @ 01:41 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PUNJABEE @ Jul 3, 2004 @ 01:41 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>The organic webshooters isnt something that the movie creators came up with. In actuality, Spider-man 2099 had them. I can't remember the guy's name, but it wasn't Peter Parker, it was something like Carlos Zuniga or something, he was doing an experiment, and was fused with a spider (kind of like the movie "The Fly") and gained Spidey's powers.[/b]

It's Miguel O'Hara, but you were on the right track with a Spanish name. 😉

Originally posted by PUNJABEE@Jul 3, 2004 @ 01:41 AM

Secondly, the organic webbing is also a Spider-man 2099 idea. He actually produced webbing, like a spider, and shot it from his hands, but I cant remember if it was the top of his hands, (like Venom/Black Spidey) or if they were from his wrists.

Neither from the top of his hands or from his wrists. His web comes out from the top of his forearm as described here (see quote below):

<!--QuoteBegin-The Seeker's Spider-Man 2099 Page

The genetic altering Spider-Man 2099 underwent gives him super human strength that is yet undetermined, yet I assume it is around class 10 super human strength, he also posses super human agility, reflexes, and accelerated sight (night vision, and somewhat telescopic). He also climbs walls via talons or claws as you might call them located on all his fingers and toes that are capable of hooking into concrete, and other dense materials, and have been seen to chop through a broad sword. Miguel travels via spider webs that come naturally from the top part of his forearms whenever he tenses the muscles the in that area or his arm is squeezed hard enough which can be done by a normal human, assisting his talons and webbing in transportation is lyte byte cloth he uses for gliding that he attained off of a hanglider in his era. To round off all of his known powers is the one he has used only twice, he has fangs witch emit a venom of unknown qualities, and abilities, the venom was used once on a giant that held him in an alternate dimension in one hand the affects caused great pain allowing Spider-Man time to escape, the second time he used it was in a last ditch effort against a cyborg name Risqué, the affects parlayed her, and she has not been seen since.[/quote]

On the cover of issue #21, it's hard to tell, but it looks like he is shooting web from the top of his forearm as described above.


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Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

finally saw it last night.

great, but not as good as a lot of people made it out to be.

I thought the first half hour or so was kinda cheesy.

After it got to the point where Peter wanted to quit, it started getting better.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

another thing...

I couldn't figure out for the life of me why Doc Oc made the arms in the first place. What did have to do with the fusion thing?
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

they were heat resistent and magnetic resistent so that way he could manipulate the "small sun" to keep the what looked like "sun bursts" under control. Very unrelistic, but its spidey what ya expect, and for what fantasy that was already inherent it helped explain things logicaly in the fictional world.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

The premise for Spider-Man 3 is pretty poor i must admit (another goblin), but i agree with those who wan't to see Venom in the next movie only if the CG crew can pull the character off.

Also the possibility of giving Bruce Campbell a bigger role next time 😀 and using the original 60's Spider-Man theme for the movie title 🙄

P.S Long live Clark Kent, Peter Parker will always be a cheap carbon copy :lol: :smash
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

ive been hearing from some of the huge spidey fans at my work that venom is do to be in the movie but not until the 6th one... its just words they say but they say its from viable sources. Im just like holy bajebus, they actually have plans for 6 of em'
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

Usually, the plan is to keep making sequels until they fail. Once the Batman movies tanked, they took a hiatus. Superman was put on hiatus early do to his injury. However, the new movie is in the works. Unfortunatly, its gonna make us wait for X-Men 3.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

Superman was put on hiatus early do to his injury.

Huh? You mean Christopher Reeves? They were done making Superman movies with him long before he broke his spine. After part 4 tanked, they did the same "hiatus" as the Batman movies. As for the new one, who knows if it'll ever see the light of day. They had a script from Kevin Smith that Warner Bros. loved. Then they hired Tim Burton to be the director, and he would not use that script. He kept bringing in writer after writer to write new scripts, and WB wouldn't approve any of them, they wanted the Kevin Smith one. Finally, time ran out on the deal with Burton. The latest stories have Richard Donner (director of the first one) on board as a producer, with Bryan Singer (X-Men, X2) set to direct. But we'll see. Here's a good story everything that's happened with Superman.

Right now, I'm just hoping that that piece of shit Catwoman movie opening tomorrow doesn't make next year's Batman movie (which still looks promising) tank.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

I had read somewhere, might have been wrong, that they were working on a Superman sequel back in the early 90's. This is when Lois and Clark was on TV. But when Reeves got hurt, that was put on hold indefinatly.
Who's going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight?

Yeah, the Catwoman movie does look horrible. What the hell? That flick sure came out of left field. As for the Superman thing, I'm glad Burton's not doing it - his style is cool and it might work for Batman, but I can't see him doing a Superman movie. But yeah, Superman IV sucked horribly.