Why does Windows 98 SE confound me?

Didn't you say the processor was a 533? Can't you just bump the multiplier up to make it 8 or there abouts?

It's good that you've isolated the problem though. 🙂
It uses jumpers (well, switches really) to set the multilplier and 5.5 is the highest.
Originally posted by mal@Aug 9, 2003 @ 03:54 AM

It uses jumpers (well, switches really) to set the multilplier and 5.5 is the highest.

It's been a few months since I've installed some CPUs, and my brain has been flushed with Zelda the past month. . . but,

I think the K6-2 550 had a multiplier of 6x. I wonder if your 533 uses the same?

I also think I remember hearing the the K6-2 could use a 2x multiplier, and it would interpret as a 6x multiplier.

I know the K6-2 board I worked on used the 2x multiplier, . . but I can't remember if it's the board that interprets it as 6x or the CPU.

It can't hurt to try. I would test out the 2x setting.
I'm trying a slightly different tack.

I've put a fan from a DC on an IC on the mobo that has a heatsink on it (northbridge?) and we'll see how that goes. 🙂