XBox Shenmue II Cover


Established Member
I would have added this post to the old thread we had about how bad the Shenmue II cover looked, but it got deleted.

Anyway, the one that actually got released might not be the best, but it look better than the last preview. It looks the same except they made Ryo look more like his CGI self.
yeah that one is quite a bit better... actually I think it's not bad... no not bad at all... not good but it's tolorable.
I'm sorry for US gamers so often. I mean, Ryo looks like a Japanese Clint Eastwood! Lan-di looks like a mean old Alec Baldwin clone. What has science dooooooooone?!
thats true galstaff. but more importantly couldn't they freakin change his clothes... i mean my god.. hook a guy up....


Originally posted by stack99@Nov. 02 2002, 4:43 pm

thats true galstaff. but more importantly couldn't they freakin change his clothes... i mean my god.. hook a guy up....



remember its the 80's
I think it looks retarded. better than the proposed one a couple of months back, although i still prefer the dreamcast euro and japanese covers. This looks like one of those crap ass drawings you used to (and probably still do) find next to gamepro revies in their ass magazine
Oh wow. I went to the local GameStop and in the window was a poster for Shenmue2 (I'm guessing it was the "old" one). I can't find words to describe how crappy it looked. A retarded chimp could have drawn a better picture.
Originally posted by antime@Nov. 05 2002, 6:36 am

Now it looks like Shenmue 3 maybe won't happen,, so all of you American Xbox owners need to go buy the game, preferably two copies each.

That's especially true since the Japanese don't seem to be buying XBox's like hotcakes
Originally posted by SegaFreak@Nov. 05 2002, 7:48 pm

That would be a shame to not see the Shenmue saga finished.

Yeah, if anything, they need to come out with a movie to finish up the story
Knowing that "sex sells", why the hell didn't they put Joy and Xiuying on the cover like European version's box cover of Shenmue II for the DC?