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I think there are 4 ways to look at it for which system is worth buying.

1. If you like Sega and/or RPGs and want a lARGE selection of games, get a PS2.

2. If you like Sega and want lots of multiplayer games in the near future, and hate microsoft, get a GameCube.

3. If you like Sega and are willing to stick it out thru Microsoft's unnecessary disease of a console for their sparse, but good titles, get an XBox. (Gee, which one of these systems don't I like?)

4. If you just plain like Sega, screw these systems for now and build up your Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis, 32X, Sega CD, Game Gear, and Master System collections. maybe even get a GBA for Chu Chu Rocket and Sonic Advance. I also think I heard rumors of NiGHTS for GBA. (please lemme know if this is true

I personally can't STAND the XboX and will not get one until there are more good games for it than Halo. 1 game is just not worth it. I'd go out and buy my 4th Dreamcast first.

-EDIT- I REALLY should frame this rant, or at least save it.
Actually there have been eloquent points made on all sides. I personally prefer the xbox at this time. I believe that it is better graphically and has very good potential.

I would wait for the PS3 before buying the sony console. I agree that if you want a big selection of games right now, though, that the PS2 is the way to go. The GC also has it's good points, but the emu scene for it is not making a great deal of progress. I'm the kind of person who likes playing around with things (keep it clean!).

So the xbox is the next console of choice as its emu scene is exploding. Can anyone say n64? An early port of Daudelus for xbox was released. it has bugs and no sound but does play games.

Also as Arakon pointed out, you can play most NeoGeo games on Xbox at this time. By the way, I would take what he says about the xbox's capabilities very seriously. The man knows his stuff. By the way, none of the new consoles can emulate each other for technical reasons I wont get into here, but this topic has been talked about extensively on the variouse console emu sites.

But it really comes down to personal preference as to which console you choose. For the same reasons that some drive a Chevy and hate Ford and visa versa.

For more detailed info on xbox emu scene-see as its the definative xbox emu/hacking site on the net.
This is what I told someone on another message board I visit that was asking what console they should buy:


Its hard to say which system would be your best choice, but to sum it up, this is how I tend to look a the next gen systems:

Dreamcast: Fantastic for its increadable ammount of freeware. Most good games have now been ported to other systems though.

PS2: King for RPG's. Also good if you like excessive ammounts of violence in the games you play.

Gamecube: A party system. Also the newly proclaimed king of horror games. Especialy good if you like Nintendo classics (ex: Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc.)

XBox: Has serveral games that are in the flavor of many PC games. Good for shooters and racing games. Also seams to be turning into the next great freeware system (like Dreamcast before it)
I completely disagree with the statement above that said there werent really any "original" games out for the PSX or PS2. There were a ton of great original games problem is that you have to dig hard into whatever system you are into to be able to find alot of them. There have always been a ton of folks within the SX infrastructure that knew the Saturn library so well that it was easy for them to point them all out. PSX library is like 5 times the size so it takes alot more sifting to bring the choice titles out of the mix.

I will be the first to admit that there was a ton of pure crap released under the PSX logo, and in comparison of the ratios of good to bad the Saturn looks like pure fucking genius. Slight difference is that the PSX had tons more 3rd party support and alot of the highly coveted Saturn titles were Sega made or by select 3rd party vendors.

Homebrew stuff is very possible for the ps2 if you have one modded the real sticking point there however is that the ps2 is hard to code for and as such makes it inpalitable for homebrew projects.
Hey, Xbox will run PS1 games with better graphics than PS2, like BleemCast does!

In about a month Xbox will have praticaly all the emulators that exist for PC, because of the PC-Architeture
It puts the ps2 in the trash. IT PUTS THE PS2 IN THE TRASH. It puts the xbox in the shopping cart... IT PUTS THE FUCKING XBOX IN THE SHOPPING CART!

(how silence of the lambs would be remade if i directed it)
The only thing that I didnt like about the sytem is that if the system isnt modded, you cant make ripped cd's into soundtracks. The only audio cd's that the system will read and copy to soundtracks are real pressed audio cd's that you have to buy from a store.

not true. no mod can fix that either. the original drive is shit, simple as that. it will read 90% of the cdrws, tho.. so you can use that for ripping. and about 5% of the cdrs.

or you can replace the drive with a pc dvdrom, it'll read all cdr then, but no originals anymore. I got both, and swap as needed.

btw, the xbox can't emulate ps2 or GC. no available PC can either, mind you.
i'm going to go with a neutral stance on all. i've played them all but the thing is i'm not going to buy any. why well so far i don't see any games i want to play, and i don't see any games in the works that are going to get me to buy a system.
i have heard about beta ps2 emu's. and why can't an xbox run a ps2 emu? i mean it doesn't have to have most of its jam stolen by an os like on a normal pc but who knows maybe someone will get around to trying it.
hehe. oh well i think we should just agree on the simplistic fact the ps2 is a pos now and it always was(dc was better). oh well let the flames rain down.
Yeah, we can definitely close it now. Hehe. I got my custom member title. Heh. That's all I'm out for! And, damn....That's a LOT more than I intended to charge....Hhmm....::Shrugs::....Oh well.
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