5 more days till the new sonic game!!!


Established Member
With the impending release of SONIC HEROES, the first major sonic release since SA2 on the dc over 2 years ago, who is excited about this title, I know I can't wait, what about you... and don't forget "sonic battle" on GBA the same day as well.... enjoy!!! :cheers

I don't think it'll sell badly, it has been getting a fair amount of hype. AFAIK Billy Hatcher did OK and it doesn't even have 'Sonic' in the title.

I'll definitely be getting it.. actually I'm a bit miffed at Sonic Team right now as I'm going to have to buy PSO Ep 3 shortly as well... combine that with the fact that Xmas just passed and I also need to score a copy of Pacman Vs. at some point, and you're looking at a broke me.
Billy Hatcher was craptastic sales wise, I don't even think it's moved 10,000 units yet. But Sonic has always sold well on the GC and combine that with the first time ever appearance of Sonic on PS2 and X-box... well, this one might fair a bit better.
its a shame about billy hatcher...its actually a good game, I played through it, and had a fun time doing so, but you guys are right its sales were "craptastic" LMFAO....hahahahha good one. But I think sonic will do well, I was surprised to see the amount of press on this title. Commercials and print ads... way to go sega!
I read that Japanese mag Famitsu has given it a gold award for the XB and GC version and a silver for the PS2. So its looking promising. Famitsu are pretty reliable.
EGM, the biggest SONY fan mag, rated the XBOX and GC version High and they actually bashed the PS2 version, saying it was tooo slow..lol... but anyway I hope it does well... SEGA!!!
He didnt say it was gonna be a bad game, just that it will sell like a lead balloon, which it will.

The way I see it, if you're in the 8-12 year range, you can't get sonic sold to you because you would have had to grow up with sonic. In 1991 I would have been 3 years old so I was a bit too young, but by age 5 I had every sonic game released to date. That was sheer luck, but most kids today probably wouldn't be attracted to sonic if they had no past history with it.
I dunno, there is a Sonic cartoon on Fox y'know. And it seems that's what sells all those Pokemon and Yugioh doodads for the most part.
Originally posted by stack99@Jan 2, 2004 @ 02:13 PM

EGM, the biggest SONY fan mag, rated the XBOX and GC version High and they actually bashed the PS2 version, saying it was tooo slow..lol... but anyway I hope it does well... SEGA!!!

Yeah, they said in a sidebar that pretty much every aspect of the PS2 version is noticeably worse than the Xbox and GC versions. Especially frame rate.
I haven't decided whethor I want it for the cube or the box yet, I guess it will depend on which version got better reviews. If they tie I'll get it for xbox, cause then it'll be just one more game I can slap on the hard drive and not have to find the disk for when I wanna play.
If there's little to seperate the GC and Xbox versions I'll probebly get the GC one. Sonic would just feels more at home on the GC IMO, plus I'd prefer to buy Nintendo over Sony and Microsoft.
Originally posted by muffinman943@Jan 5, 2004 @ 08:56 PM

gc doesnt have ne good sega games, so why pay 150.00 to play sonic heroes itself

I don't own a GC just for Sega games you know.

I own all the current consoles already, I wasn't suggesting that I would buy a GC just to play Sonic Heroes on it.

Edit: Sorry you were addressing Tagrineth not me :blush: