Building t3h c0mp

AFAICT (not being a serious expert on the formats) the only big thing is that +R/RW supports seamless sector overwriting while -R/RW doesn't (yet; if it becomes important I'm sure someone will come up with a way to make it happen, though by then it may be too late). What this means is that it's possible with +R/RW to overwrite a single sector without disturbing anything else; this would be useful for packet writing (i.e. floppy replacement) and on-disc video editing (i.e. videotape replacement).
Nope as it's going dash is getting the lead over plus. Mostly because more of the well known manufacturers are using it. As for capacity both have 4.7GB per disc. Speedwise the fastest for R discs is 4x on both formats and for RW discs it's 2x on dash and 2.4x on plus.

Basically look at it this way. If you're gonna be using the disc to store billions of little files that you will be modifying alot the plus is the way to go. But if you're more likely to just store several large files and not do constant writing then either one will work fine. One thing to look at also is that for the most part (at least around here) plus discs are more expensive then dash discs.
<_< or I could get one made by a different company unless there aren't any others that make dvd writers that write both formats. Racket, hook me up with some links for my lazy ass if ya got em :lol:
eeh I'd hold out for a good brand

I'm not aware of any cheapo brands that are selling dual format drives yet
Originally posted by gameboy900@Aug 6, 2003 @ 03:25 PM

The only multi format drives I'm aware off are the Sony, Pioneer and TDK. Anything else is not worth bothering with anyway.

unless Plextor made one, but it would probably cost even more
link doesn't seem to work for me

but it seems to be from .hk (what country is that?)

NEC makes some decent stuff, but haven't heard anything about their optical drives
Hm i might just go with a 200 dollar sony then...

Oh another question 😛

I'm having trouble deciding on a color scheme and case. I have pertty much everything else but I can not find a good case for under 90 bucks and can't decide on what colored/types of cables to get. You know, UV, wrapped in EL wire etc.

So you guys have suggestions for case and or color schemes?
UV reactive rounded IDE cables look nice - obviously with a UV cold cathode or two. I think the minimalist approach is the best - it gets silly when you have a hundred thousand lights in the system...

Oh, and .hk is of course, Hong Kong.
do silver or black with blue glowy stuff 🙂

If you do silver, get the Sony drive

If you do black, get the TDK drive