"Crack the SEGA Saturn copy protection" contest

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Well a good step in the right direction would be to see if the patent on the Saturn CD Security has expired with the US Patent office,They can send you all the documentation if thats the case,the copy protection used to lockout unlicened games on the NES expired a while back so I dont know if Sega would renew their patent licence.

Also in theory you could maybe do a voltage spike on the particular part of the Saturn motherboard used in the copy protection process but I guess yall are wanting a more motherboard friendly method 🙂
Hello people. First, my english it's getting worse every day.So, please forgive my errors.


I'm now working in a Saturn Mod, Saturn MultiPad,etc...

But, a long time past since i do some research with the rings of the SS.

One crazy thing i did:

i pasted some aluminium paper( a kind of home made ring) to a CDR "backup" simulating an original ring.

Ok, nothing magic happens. The Saturn did not recognize the Ring(aluminium), but it check for it like 4 or 5 minutes.That's a while uh?

Obviously, the incredible differents angules reflected on the diferents zones of the aluminium cause the saturn to get confused, and to keep trying to verify the ring.

I think it's possible to make a Ring burning a CDR, but again, the problem is first: discover what data the ring contains, and second: burn it outside the CD image.

Do not forget, i didn't find diferences between a common laser and SS laser, so if the SS can read and identifie the ring, that means that data should be like the rest.At the same distance,the same deep,and angule.

Good Luck!
Originally posted by SaturnAR@Mon, 2006-05-15 @ 02:24 PM

I think it's possible to make a Ring burning a CDR, but again, the problem is first: discover what data the ring contains, and second: burn it outside the CD image.

That's nice, but just talking about it won't make it happen.
I wish someone would just lock this thread already. It kind of brings Saturn dev forum's level of intelligence down to a level not disimilar to what I see on places like ngemu. What's really amazing is that every couple of months we get a post from someone new who obviously hasn't read any of the previous posts and has some kind of "awesome idea" of how to circumvent the protection. Which in turn ends up being about the same idea as everyone elses. Besides, what does this have to do with Saturn dev anyways? It has more to do with piracy if you ask me.

Cyber Warrior X
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