"Crack the SEGA Saturn copy protection" contest

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Originally posted by ExCyber@Wed, 2005-04-13 @ 10:12 PM

It's the first 16 sectors (sectors 0-15). That's the ISO 9660 bootstrap area, which is used by Sega for a disc header and bootstrap code (this is known as an "IP.BIN", after the conventional Sega filename for an image of that area). The content of this area is not specified by the ISO 9660 standard, it is basically intended as a reserved area for proprietary use. Still, its existence is specified by ISO 9660, so any good CD mastering software will have an option buried somewhere to insert a bootstrap image.

Most decent CD burning apps support the "El Torito" standard for bootable CDs which doesn't use the space allocated by the ISO standard. The image to be loaded at boot time is a normal file in the filesystem.
When I say "good CD mastering software", I'm talking about programs like buildcd and mkisofs that really give you some power in terms of how to lay out the filesystem, not the stuff that e.g. Nero integrates.
Originally posted by ExCyber@Fri, 2005-04-15 @ 12:47 PM

When I say "good CD mastering software", I'm talking about programs like buildcd and mkisofs that really give you some power in terms of how to lay out the filesystem, not the stuff that e.g. Nero integrates.

[post=132904]Quoted post[/post]​

Is the special identifing sega charateristics in sector 1 - 21 are they game dependent or could you copy one from one game and use it for another.
Originally posted by Borisz@Fri, 2005-04-15 @ 03:09 PM

the data is different for every game but I don't know if they work if they are interchanged.

[post=132909]Quoted post[/post]​

Im guessing with nero this could be burnt using the Boot CD option as it allows you to add a boot sector image which is part of the El Torito standard. Although i know now software off hand that can extract the saturn idenitification image at start of cd.
No. El Torito has nothing to do with the ISO bootstrap area, as Mask of Destiny said. They're two completely different things.
Originally posted by Quakester2000@Fri, 2005-04-15 @ 11:01 AM

Im guessing with nero this could be burnt using the Boot CD option as it allows you to add a boot sector image which is part of the El Torito standard. Although i know now software off hand that can extract the saturn idenitification image at start of cd.

[post=132912]Quoted post[/post]​

its simpler and safer if you just rip two diff games in an *.ISO file and use a hexeditor to exchange the data.
Yesterday me and a mate used a Matshushita CDrom 581/3 to rip the saturn protection ring. IT looks the same as Kortex's most of the way but differs in some others. It also seems to start in different sector numbers depending on the game. In World Wide Soccer 98 the rip sector started at 297616 but on Madden 97 the start sector was 297833. Lets just hope the security rings arent game specific. Again it could have been the drive we were using it was manufactured in July 1995 so that could explain a lot.

We also were able to do a test burn the security ring onto a CDRW with a game by modifying a CUE file it burnt back successfully. A program was created that would add the security ring data onto the BIN file and this seemed to work, its now trying to see if a CDR will burn back.

Few questions

How Many sectors are on a 74MIN CD / 80 MIN

How many sectors is it for 1 second of audio.

How many sectors is it for 1 second of data.
Well burnt the ring i dumped with CDRWIN and saturn checked the CD then returned an error CD incompaible after checked the ring. It could be the drive i used to read the track or the data format i burnt it back with. Also locating the exact spot where the ring starts is a problem.
Originally posted by Quakester2000@Mon, 2005-04-18 @ 02:26 PM

Well burnt the ring i dumped with CDRWIN and saturn checked the CD then returned an error CD incompaible after checked the ring. It could be the drive i used to read the track or the data format i burnt it back with. Also locating the exact spot where the ring starts is a problem.

[post=132974]Quoted post[/post]​

It' maybe a stupid question but does your burnt ring look like the real saturn ring when you look at it ?
What I've been wondering is whether the Sega writing on the rings of real games is necessary for the protection or whether burning the supposed data in the correct place would work; with the ring being purely 'cosmetic'.
Originally posted by Drenholm@Thu, 2005-04-21 @ 07:36 AM

What I've been wondering is whether the Sega writing on the rings of real games is necessary for the protection or whether burning the supposed data in the correct place would work; with the ring being purely 'cosmetic'.

[post=133050]Quoted post[/post]​

Lets face it the drive they use is usually a sanyo / JVC / Samsung whatever, the saturn was way over budget making it capable of reading back holographic data would have added to the cost, im assuming that hologropic look doesnt do anything, lets face it if a normal CD drive can read back the track, it shows data is definetly there and it isnt just down to the holographic data ring like everyone used to say.
I don't think the ring is holographic in the first place; I think it's just full of highly regular EFM patterns with sharp transitions from one pattern to the other, leading to an unusual appearance.
Originally posted by Quakester2000@Wed, 2005-04-06 @ 05:23 PM

Go to gmail.com and enter the following details:

User name: drenholm.uploads

Password: Drenholm

RING_data.zip = Pinchy's main ring data read, not sure what format (says raw)

ring_data_sub.zip = Pinchy's subchannel data read, not sure if interleaved

Those files belong to each other and were dumped with trumans tool you can get Trumans tool http://www.cdtool.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/

[post=132585]Quoted post[/post]​

that link doesn't work anymore and I forgot to save this file.
Originally posted by vbt@Wed, 2005-04-27 @ 10:17 PM

Any news ? :unsure:

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No one has been really trying lately i guess, best bet is to do a disc swap and do sector dump from 0 - 333000 and burn back.
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