Help me get a virus....

all i have is the sub 7 trojan very old eh i'm not help i got that off my cousin on a disk. searching for viruses on the internet is like saying please give me a virus. hum i'm trying to say that sometimes in search of getting something you want you get something you dont want. an example you're looking to get some tang but in doing so you get crabs.
That's what I am afraid of.....accidently getting a virus in my search for one. That's why I was hopin sumone might know of one then that way, I could get the file or whatever, throw it on a floppy, then delete it off of my machine ASAP.
Originally posted by mountaindud@Mar 2, 2004 @ 08:10 AM

That didn't seem very sarcastic to me, a sarcasm emoticon would have helped.

Come on, it's antime. Sarcasm is his middle name.
Originally posted by Pearl Jammzz@Mar 2, 2004 @ 05:18 AM

That's what I am afraid of.....accidently getting a virus in my search for one.

Why are you afraid? After all, losing all your saved shit isn't all that bad.