How to Burn Cue/Iso?


Established Member
I'm following along the Jo Engine CD track demo. When compiled it creates a game.cue and a game.iso. The game.cue references the ISO file as well as the audio tracks. How do I burn this or convert this to easier to work with format? K3B doesn't know what to do with the cue file.
ImgBurn has no problem burning CUEs with iso listed as the data track. At least for me.
Thanks for the tip, that appears to work. Is there any way to have cdrdao output to ISO? Otherwise I'm burning a disc to create an ISO (or bin/cue).
You can use bchunk to convert bin/cue to iso/wav. As I noted in that thread it only allows very simple cue files, to the point where you basically need a separate cue file pointing to just the data track and a separate cue file pointing to just the wav to be able to extract the iso and the wav.

Edit: Not sure what you're asking for. If you're trying to create a single iso containing the whole thing, rather than an iso track, I don't know.
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