I am a Champion!


Established Member
Ladies and Gentlemen of SX:

I, Dylan Schmidt, have achieved the rank of Champion in Virtua Fighter Evolution, with a record of 776/92. I never thought in 7 years of playing VF I'd get this good. I'm off to bed, as it's WAY WAY past my bedtime. :cheers :cheers :cheers :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
Congratulations :beerchug

I gained a champion rank ages ago with Sarah. I forget my win record but it was well over a thousand wins with about 200 losses. Also I've got ranks close to champion with Aoi, Wolf and Kage so far.

I still think I'd be owned in actual tornament though, the AI in quest mode is good but its not that good. But Chibita and one of the champion Sarah's(I forget her name) in particular are still very hard to beat.

Currently I'm having a break with playing VF at the moment as I played it vitually every day from its release in June until mid October.
Originally posted by axelblazeadam@Nov 14, 2003 @ 04:40 AM

Congratulations :beerchug

I gained a champion rank ages ago with Sarah. I forget my win record but it was well over a thousand wins with about 200 losses. Also I've got ranks close to champion with Aoi, Wolf and Kage so far.

I still think I'd be owned in actual tornament though, the AI in quest mode is good but its not that good. But Chibita and one of the champion Sarah's(I forget her name) in particular are still very hard to beat.

Currently I'm having a break with playing VF at the moment as I played it vitually every day from its release in June until mid October.

It was ALL with Sarah, I haven't even touched any of the other fighters, as I've been playing Sarah for 6 of my 7 years of playing VF, trying to learn some of the others, is kinda tough. :cheers
Originally posted by Cloud121@Nov 14, 2003 @ 12:48 PM

It was ALL with Sarah, I haven't even touched any of the other fighters, as I've been playing Sarah for 6 of my 7 years of playing VF, trying to learn some of the others, is kinda tough. :cheers

Call yourself a VF expert 😛

I used to play as Wolf all the time since VF2, I even got a High King rank with him on VF4. When it came to Evolution I got him up to 9th Dan and just got sick of using him and so I switched to Sarah and got up to Champion rank with her. I'm now trying out lots of different characters. Aoi's my current favourite, there's something about her style that I like.

My current aim is to beat the final tournament in quest with as many characters as possible. May take a while 😀
I usually play with kage just b/c it seems to take forever to get another character down. Whenever I do use other characters my favorite to mess around with is shun di. Stumbling old drunk guys are too cool lol.
Originally posted by Cloud121@Nov 13, 2003 @ 09:12 AM

I, Dylan Schmidt, have achieved the rank of Champion in Virtua Fighter Evolution, with a record of 776/92.

Good! Now go read a book. :lol:
I used to play with Wolf a bunch and throw my friends off the platform in the arcade a lot, it was fun. Lately, I've tried to master fighting with Akira, but his moves are really hard to execute proper combos with. My all time favorite is Shun, though.