I hate sony just as much as the next...

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I never said that, all I said was Sony have a history of good technology in the entertainment sector in regard to the argument of them having no 'history'.

You have to realize that Sony is a keiretsu - it's not one big company in the traditional sense, it's more a sort of financial network tying multiple companies together. Sony is over half a century old. Sony Computer Entertainment is not. They use the Sony brand to leverage a shared reputation into a new market, and to give exactly that illusion of "history" that doesn't really exist.

I just don't see where all this slagging is going to get you, that's all. I can't imagine Sony cares less.

Oh, I agree. Sony really doesn't care unless it affects the bottom line, and they're always coming up with new ways to make up for their shortcomings, just like any other company.

Companies bring out products which can kill people through design flaws (cars, planes etc), so it seems a bit pointless to hate Sony because your console broke.

Well, what can I say? People tend to complain about things that affect them directly.

Excyber you might want to add to your earlier comments that the 1st generation PS2 had a high failure rate after the first 6 months and it took a class action law suite to get them to ackowledge and finally fix the problems.

I've heard of more than a few laser diode failures with early units, but never a class action suit. Do you have a link with more info on this?
OK, all I mean is that if you hate Sony with all your might for faulty goods then hate every company that has ever produced faulty goods. If you hate Sony for being a marketing machine then.. etc etc. I'm not exactly a fan of Microsoft when I can't get Windows ME to go into pure DOS but I don't kick my dog about it.. Anyways, whatever.
ok first, stop referring to Sony and Sega as a plural noun, they are both single companies. so make everything sgree dammit. can we do this Myname?

but besides this, sony isnt bad. in fact, sony helped boost the games making more and more shitty games that casual gamers play. not to mention that sony and nintendo worked on the psx as a snes addon but nintendo dropped it. but sega also had their share of problems im sure. plus why bash something that is made by a company that isnt trying to control the universe like the xbox? bill only made the xbox as a way to continue to try and rule the world. also, if anything is satan, it would be bill gates.
Stop referring to Sega and Sony as plural nouns? That's the way we speak in England. We like to call it 'English'. It's America that has mutated it, not me. And I'd thank you for not telling me what to do.
yes, but they are a single group. like saying a "crowd have." it isnt what you say since it is ONE crowd. sony is ONE company. as is sega. if you wanna check, then ask an english professor or somenoe like that.
Like I said, that's how you American's might speak (American professors included) but it's not how we speak in England. Say you were talking about music, we'd say 'Limp Bizkit have released a new album' for example. Whilst Americans would say 'Limp Bizkit has released a new album'. If you want to get into a discussion as to which is right and which is wrong then go ahead. Just don't get at me for no apparent reason when you a) don't know what you're talking about and
struggle with basic grammar and punctuation yourself (heard of capital letters?)


p.s. I know Limp Bizkit have not released a new album, nor do I like them. Just thought I'd clear that up before the flames start..
Originally posted by Myname@May 13 2002,15:00

Say you were talking about music, we'd say 'Limp Bizkit have released a new album' for example. Whilst Americans would say 'Limp Bizkit has released a new album'.

I learned something new today!

As for mutating the language, we're just trying to make it more efficient, what with the removing of unnecessary u's and all.
You'd better be careful, or Myname might throw you through the windscreen of your car, and you'll end up in hospital!
ok....1) i cant possibly care about capatalization, takes too much time to hit the shift key. 2) this is where im supposed to be scared right? i seem to forget that part. and 3) so when i say that england sucks, i should say "england are the stupidest country?" in stead of "england is the stupidest country?"

and werent the flames not supposed to start?

and this went from ps2 to english/grammar when i mentioned to myname that a group is one thing, not many things. which is why we americans(the smarter of the 2 countries) make a group be ONE thing, not many things and treat it as a singular noun, and not like a plural noun. but ill stop, i simply pointed out that sony is ONE group. as is sega.
You're not supposed to be scared at all, the pavement thing was a 'joke'. If America is the 'smarter' country, you're not really representing them too well here, are you? And it was you who started the flaming here by giving me s**t for speaking correct English, so don't complain about it.
Originally posted by jastnorn@May 15 2002,11:47

...we americans(the smarter of the 2 countries)...

Don't pull this kind of shit here. It makes you look like a whining little turd. As you fail to seem to comprehend, there are many countries "present" on these boards, and demonstrating a superior "my country is a better country than yours" stance will not win you any friends.

In short, I take offence to that statement.
Anyways, in answer to the question.. I'm personally gonna wait until there's a good USB mod available. Could be a while, but better than wrecking your machine for a mod which costs a bomb too. I think there's a Neokey USB thing out, but the Neo chips don't have a very good rep so my advice is to be patient with it.
Chances are that there will never be a really good USB mod. The current ones are only possible due to a really crappy hack (basically a Neo1/2 using a hacked up USB port to eliminate the power/ground connections), and I don't see any evidence that it's really extensible.
Still, I'd rather wait on the off chance than wreck my PS2 trying to do some 200 wire installation for a twenty swap modchip.. The Messiah ones are good, but too expensive right now. All I want mine modded for is for PS1 imports, so maybe I'll just try to pick up a cheap PS1 to mod. Why did playing Chrono Cross have to be made so hard??
i dont care about friends online that much. and as for "correct english," there isnt one. if you wanna be correct, speak latian, or roman, or greek, or something from the start of man. and about being smarter, i dont mean book smarts. i mean common sense.
Jesus Christ.. weren't you the one who wrongly attempted to correct my English? Now there 'is no correct English'? And the only way to speak correct English is to speak Latin? Once again, taking your posts as evidence, you are not proving your argument that Americans are more intelligent and have more common sense very well. Also, English has very little connection with Latin, it actually comes more from Germany and the Middle-East, believe it or not (feel free to debate this with me, but I have an English Language degree which would probably argue back). Once again, do not tell me what is right and wrong when you clearly have no idea and can only resort to throwing around half-arsed (that's ASSED to you) generalisations.
Would you two please take it outside? Most of us are tired of listening to the whining about who's better/smarter and who speaks "proper" english (which is really a congomeration of many languages.) It makes it sound as if you both have some deep seated self-esteem issues. Take it elsewhere or stick to the thread under discussion, please. (or start you own thread)
In case you hadn't noticed, I did try to take it back to the topic in hand. I never stated either was 'better' or 'more correct', I just said that my phrasiology is commonplace in the country where I live and I resent it being taken as inferior for no apparent reason other than to have a pointless go at someone.
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